del credere commissionglossary / DEL CREDERE COMMISSION del credere commission. A factor’s commission that is increased because the factor guarantees the payment to the principal of all debts that become due through the agency relationship. [Cases: Factors 29.] 词条贡献者 双语律师Natalie,毕业于法国一流的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各类与监管与政府事务相关的法律文件。
del credere commission DEL CREDERE COMMISSION, 保付代理佣金 del credere commission 保付代理佣金 在货物买卖中,卖方因保付代理商〔del credere agent〕保证买方到期即支付贷款而额外支付给该代理商的佣金。 (→del credere agent)