finding of fact

finding of fact. A determination by a judge, jury, or administrative agency of a fact supported by the evidence in the record, usu. presented at the trial or hearing (he agreed with the jury’s finding of fact that the driver did not stop before proceeding into the intersection). — Often shortened to finding. See FACT-FINDER. Cf. CONCLUSION OF FACT; CONCLUSION OF LAW.

concurrent finding. (usu. pl.) Identical factual findings by two different tribunals on a specific issue of fact.

essential finding. Military law. A military tribunal’s determination of a collateral pretrial motion.

general finding. An undifferentiated finding in favor of one party.

special finding.

1. (usu. pl.) A finding of the necessary and ultimate facts to support a judgment in favor of one party.

2. Military law. A military tribunal’s finding that directly relates to the determination of guilt or innocence.

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