God’s pennyglossary / God's penny, 证约定金 God’s penny(英格兰古法)证约定金 支付定金即证明已达成交易。称为「上帝的便士」可能缘于古时将这项定金捐献教会或施舍穷人。 (=denarius Dei) 词条贡献者 译者Joanne,毕业于亚洲顶尖的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与房地产业相关的法律文件。
god’s penny God's penny God’s penny. Hist. Earnest money; a small sum paid on the striking of a bargain. — Also termed denarius Dei;…
God’s penny God's penny Hist. Earnest money; a small sum paid on the striking of a bargain. — Also termed denarius Dei; earnest-penny; godpenny.…