“Homage is an oath of fidelity, acknowledging himself to be the lord’s man: wherein the tenant must be ungirt, uncovered, kneel upon both knees, and hold both his hands together between the lord’s hands sitting before him. This is to be done only to the lord himself.” Sir Henry Finch, Law, or a Discourse Thereof 143 (1759).
homage ancestral (hom-ij an-ses-tr[schwa]l). [Law French] A type of homage in which a tenant and the tenant’s ancestors have held immemorially of another by the service of homage. • This long-standing relationship bound the lord to warrant the title and to hold the tenant clear of all services to superior lords. — Also spelled homage auncestral (aw-mahzh on-se-stral).
homage liege (hom-ij leej). Homage due the sovereign alone as supreme lord, done without any saving or exception of the rights of other lords.
— Also termed homagium ligium (h[schwa]-may-jee-[schwa]m lI-jee-[schwa]m).