
lawyer, n. One who is licensed to practice law. Cf. ATTORNEY. [Cases: Attorney and Client

9. C.J.S. Attorney and Client §§ 24–25.] — lawyerly, lawyerlike, adj. — lawyerdom, n.

certified military lawyer. A person qualified to act as counsel in a general court-martial. • To be qualified, the person must be (1) a judge advocate of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, or a law specialist of the Coast Guard, (2) a graduate of an accredited law school, or a member of a federal-court bar or the bar of the highest court of a state, and (3) certified as competent to perform such duties by the Judge Advocate General of the armed force that the person is a member of. [Cases: Military Justice 1240. C.J.S. Military Justice §§ 352, 357.]

criminal lawyer. A lawyer whose primary work is to represent criminal defendants. • This term is rarely if ever applied to prosecutors despite their integral involvement in the criminal-justice system.

guardhouse lawyer. See JAILHOUSE LAWYER.

headnote lawyer. Slang. A lawyer who relies on the headnotes of judicial opinions rather than taking the time to read the opinions themselves.

jailhouse lawyer. See JAILHOUSE LAWYER.

transactional lawyer. A lawyer who works primarily on transactions such as licensing agreements, mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and the like.

lawyer, vb.

1. To practice as a lawyer (associates often spend their days and nights lawyering, with little time for recreation).

2. To supply with lawyers (the large law-school class will certainly help lawyer the state). — lawyering, n.

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