offensive and defensive leagueglossary / OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE LEAGUE offensive and defensive league. Int’l law. A league binding the parties not only to aid one another when attacked but also to support one another when attacking in offensive warfare. 词条贡献者 法律翻译Johnny,毕业于新加坡知名法学院,专注翻译各类与劳动、雇佣和福利有关的法律文件。
offensive and defensive league OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE LEAGUE, 进攻和防卫同盟 offensive and defensive league (国际法)进攻和防卫同盟 缔约任何一方受第三方侵略时,他方应予援助,且缔约任何一方应对与缔约他方进行战争的第三方采取积极的攻防措施的同盟。