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indictment (in-dIt-m[schwa]nt), n. 1. The formal written accusation of a crime, made by a grand jury and presented to a court for prosecution against the accused person. See Fed. R. Crim. P. 7. [Cases: Indictment and Information 17. C.J.S. Indictments and Informations § 28.] 2. The act or process of preparing or bringing forward such […]

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polygamy (p[schwa]-lig-[schwa]-mee), n. 1. The state or practice of having more than one spouse simultaneously. — Also termed simultaneous polygamy; plural marriage. [Cases: Bigamy 1. C.J.S. Bigamy §§ 2–6, 8.] 2. Hist. The fact or practice of having more than one spouse during one’s lifetime, though never simultaneously. • Until the third century, polygamy included

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Lex Romana Burgundionum

Lex Romana Burgundionum 〈拉〉《勃艮第罗马法典》 这是公元535年左右由勃艮第国王冈都巴德〔King Gundobad〕为其治下的罗马臣民颁布的一部法典。其内容并非来自于法律着作的摘录,而是取自《格列高利法典》〔Codices Gregorianus〕、《赫尔莫杰尼安法典》〔Codices Hermogenianus〕、《狄奥多西法典》〔Codices Theodosianus〕及狄奥多西之后的新律、保罗〔Paul〕的《论判决》〔Sententiae〕、盖尤斯〔Gaius〕的《法学阶梯》〔Institutes〕等。全部内容都是独立的对于法律规则的陈述,并被体系化地安排在47个标题之下。该法的颁布意在为法官提供一种手册,而非对罗马法的法典化,法典之外的罗马法仍然有效。在勃艮第为法兰克人征服之后,该法典为《阿拉历克罗马法辑要》〔Breviarium Alaricianum〕所增补。一个奇怪的误解曾使人将这部法律同帕比尼安〔Papinian〕联系了起来,因为在一些手抄本中该法是跟在《西哥特罗马法典》〔Lex Romana Visigothorum〕之后的,而后者以帕比尼安的一段解答结尾,可能某抄写者将此当成了《勃艮第罗马法典》的开端,而为它加上了「帕比安」——帕比尼安的简称——的名字。 (→Lex Burgundionum; Breviarium Alaricianum; Lex Romana Visigothorum)

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juror (joor-[schwa]r alsojoor-or). A person serving on a jury panel. — Also formerly termed layperson; juryman; jurator. grand juror. A person serving on a grand jury. petit juror (pet-ee). A trial juror, as opposed to a grand juror. presiding juror. The juror who chairs the jury during deliberations and speaks for the jury in court

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indifference. A lack of interest in or concern about something; apathy. deliberate indifference. Criminal law. The careful preservation of one’s ignorance despite awareness of circumstances that would put a reasonable person on notice of a fact essential to a crime. See JEWELL INSTRUCTION.

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pop, n. Telecommunications. A calculation of the potential customer base for a mobile-phone-service provider, calculated by the number of people living in the area multiplied by the company’s percentage ownership of the area’s cellular service.

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test act

Test Act. Hist. An English statute that required a person who occupied a public office or position of trust to be a member of the Church of England, to swear the Oath of Supremacy, and to sign a declaration against transubstantiation. 25 Car. 2, ch. 2 (1673). • The Act was repealed in 1828.

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