Search Results for: DEFINE


lesion (lee-zh[schwa]n). 1. An injury or wound; esp., an area of wounded tissue. 2. Civil law. Loss from another’s failure to perform a contract; the injury suffered by one who did not receive the equivalent value of what was bargained for. La. Civ. Code art. 2589. — Also spelled (in sense 2) lésion. [Cases: Vendor […]

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instrument. 1. A written legal document that defines rights, duties, entitlements, or liabilities, such as a contract, will, promissory note, or share certificate. “An ‘instrument’ seems to embrace contracts, deeds, statutes, wills, Orders in Council, orders, warrants, schemes, letters patent, rules, regulations, bye-laws, whether in writing or in print, or partly in both; in fact,

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alternative dispute resolution

alternative dispute resolution. A procedure for settling a dispute by means other than litigation, such as arbitra-tion or mediation. — Abbr. ADR. — Also termed dispute resolution. See ARBITRATION; MEDIATION. [Cases: Arbitration 1. C.J.S. Arbitration §§ 2–3.] “ADR can be defined as encompassing all legally permitted processes of dispute resolution other than litigation. While this

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genocide (jen-[schwa]-sId).Int’l law. An international crime involving acts causing serious physical and mental harm with the intent to destroy, partially or entirely, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. • The widely ratified Genocide Convention of 1948 defines the crime. The International Criminal Court has jurisdiction to try those accused of genocide. Many nations also

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codicil (kod-[schwa]-s[schwa]l or -sil). A supplement or addition to a will, not necessarily disposing of the entire estate but modifying, explaining, or otherwise qualifying the will in some way. • When admitted to probate, the codicil becomes a part of the will. [Cases: Wills 99. C.J.S. Wills § 214.] “A Schedule or supplement to a

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investment company

A company formed to acquire and manage a portfolio of diverse assets by investing money collected from different sources. • The Investment Company Act of 1940 defines the term as an issuer of securities that (1) is, holds itself out to be, or proposes to be engaged primarily in the business of investing, reinvesting, or

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