Search Results for: DEFINE

statutory rape

Unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under the age of consent (as defined by statute), regardless of whether it is against that person’s will. • Generally, only an adult may be convicted of this crime. A person under the age of consent cannot be convicted. — Also termed rape under age. See age of consent […]

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joint enterprise

joint enterprise. 1. Criminal law. An undertaking by two or more persons who set out to commit an offense they have conspired to. See CONSPIRACY. [Cases: Conspiracy 23. 1. C.J.S. Conspiracy §§ 98, 100–103, 110.] 2. Torts. An undertaking by two or more persons with an equal right to direct and benefit from the endeavor,

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specific, adj. 1. Of, relating to, or designating a particular or defined thing; explicit (specific duties). 2. Of or relating to a particular named thing (specific item). 3. Conformable to special requirements (specific performance). — specificity (spes-[schwa]-fis-i-tee), n. — specifically, adv.

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outer space

outer space. 1. The known and unknown areas of the universe beyond airspace. • The boundary between airspace and outer space is not fixed or precise. Cf. AIRSPACE. 2. Int’l law. The space surrounding the planet that by United Nations treaty is not subject to claim of appropriation by any national sovereignty. • The treaty

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inventory, n. 1. A detailed list of assets; esp., an executor’s or administrator’s detailed list of the probate-estate assets (make an inventory of the estate). • The term also sometimes denotes a divorcing spouse’s detailed list of all his or her marital and separate assets and liabilities. — Also termed inventory and appraisement. See PROBATE

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