Search Results for: GREE

first degree murder

Murder that is willful, deliberate, or premeditated, or that is committed during the course of another dangerous felony. • All murder perpetrated by poisoning or by lying in wait is considered first-degree murder. All types of murder not involving willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing are usu. considered second-degree murder. — Also termed murder of the

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executive agreement

executive agreement 〈美〉行政协定 指总统依其行政权力,无需取得参议院的同意而与外国政府签订的协定,其效力优于与之相背的州法律。虽然此类协定没有明确的宪法授权,但是其宪法上的有效性是早已被确立的。与条约所处理的事务相比,行政协定通常解决相对次要的问题。

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formal agreement

An agreement for which the law requires not only the consent of the parties but also a ma-nifestation of the agreement in some particular form (e.g., a signed writing), in default of which the agreement is unenforceable. Cf. formal contract under CONTRACT. [Cases: Contracts 30. C.J.S. Contracts §§ 66–67, 72.]

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