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divorce agreement

divorce agreement. A contractual agreement that sets out divorcing spouses’ rights and responsibilities regarding property, alimony, custody, visitation, and child support. • The divorce agreement usu. becomes incorporated by court order as a part of the divorce decree and thus is enforceable by contempt, among other remedies. — Also termed agreement incident to divorce; marital […]

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articles of agreement

articles of agreement. A writing that records matters that the parties agreed on when forming a partnership or business or transferring real property. • Unlike a contract, articles of agreement usu. contain only agreements and not express promises of performance, e.g., “the parties agree that it is not possible to guarantee delivery within ten days.”

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agreed amount clause

agreed amount clause 定额条款 保险单的一项条款,载明保险合同订立之时,双方当事人约定的保险标的的保险金额,并以此作为承担赔偿或给付保险金责任的最高限额。由于人身保险的保险标的具有人格化特征而无法确定保险价值,只能于投保之时约定一个保险金额,因此人身保险均为定额保险。

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if no agreement is reached

if no agreement is reached 如未达成协议 与根据国家征用权〔power of eminent domain〕征用财产有关的条款。指无协议的状况,从而使公共团体或征用人并无义务通过购买方式去获得财产的所有权。该条款的另一权威作用则依附于一条基本原则,即:通过协议作出善意的努力去购买财产是开始征用程序的先决条件。

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