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praevaricatio (pri-var-[schwa]-kay-shee-oh), n. [Latin “collusion with an opponent”] Roman law. An accuser’s colluding with the defense in such a way that the accused will be acquitted. • An accuser might do this in various ways, as by deemphasizing the most important charges, refraining from calling the most important witnesses, or refraining from exercising peremptory challenges […]

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patent act of 1870

Patent Act of 1870. A U.S. statute that shifted the burden of disclosing the exact nature of an invention to the patent applicant by requiring a rigorous listing of distinct claims. • Before the Act was passed, patent claims were less important than the description and drawings, and the scope of the patent grant was

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chance medley

chance-medley. [fr. Anglo-Norman chance medlee “chance scuffle”] A spontaneous fight during which one participant kills another in self-defense. — Also termed chaud-medley; casual affray. Cf. MEDLEY. “But the self-defence, which we are now speaking of, is that whereby a man may protect himself from an assault, or the like, in the course of a sudden

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incerta persona

incerta persona (in-s[schwa]r-t[schwa] p[schwa]r-soh-n[schwa]). [Latin “uncertain person”] Roman law. A person (or corporate body) that could not inherit property, such as a person whose existence was uncertain or whom the testator could not identify by name (such as the first person to appear at the testator’s funeral). Pl. incertae personae. “Another change under Justinian was

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nationality. 1. NATION(1). 2. The relationship between a citizen of a nation and the nation itself, customarily involving allegiance by the citizen and protection by the state; membership in a nation. • This term is often used synonymously with citizenship. See CITIZENSHIP. 3. The formal relationship between a ship and the nation under whose flag

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chief, n. 1. A person who is put above the rest; the leader (chief of staff). 2. The principal or most important part or position (commander-in-chief). — chief, adj.

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serious, adj. 1. (Of conduct, opinions, etc.) weighty; important (serious violation of rules). 2. (Of an injury, illness, accident, etc.) dangerous; potentially resulting in death or other severe consequences (serious bodily harm).

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