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reeve (reev). Hist. 1. A ministerial officer of high rank having local jurisdiction; the chief magistrate of a hundred. • The reeve executed process, kept the peace, and enforced the law by holding court within the hundred. 2. A minor officer serving the Crown at the hundred level; a bailiff or deputy-sheriff. 3. An overseer […]

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leges henrici

leges Henrici (lee-jeez hen-rI-sI), n. [Latin] Hist. A book anonymously written between 1114 and 1118 containing Anglo-Saxon and Norman law. • The book lends insight to the period before the full development of Norman law in England. — Also termed leges Henrici Primi. “Closely connected with the Quadripartitus is a far more important book, the

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multiple access

In a paternity suit, the defense that the mother had lovers other than the defendant around the time of conception. • The basis for the defense is that because the mother bears the burden of proof, she must be able to prove that only the defendant could be the child’s father. In some jurisdictions, this

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anders brief

Anders brief. Criminal procedure. A brief filed by a court-appointed defense attorney who wants to withdraw from the case on appeal based on a belief that the appeal is frivolous. • In an Anders brief, the attorney seeking to withdraw must identify anything in the record that might arguably support the appeal. The court then

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pioneer patent

A patent covering a function or a major technological advance never before performed, a wholly novel device, or subject matter of such novelty and importance as to mark a distinct step in the progress of the art, as distinguished from a mere improvement or perfection of what had gone before. • Under U.S. law, the

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taxation and representation

taxation and representation 〈美〉税收和代表相一致的原则 美国政府制度的产物,也是美国制宪者的战斗口号。这一原则意味着,宪法必须征得纳税人的同意才能生效。美国宪法规定众议院议员人数与直接税税额应按合众国所辖各州人口之多寡,分配于各州;所征各种关税〔duties〕、进口税〔imports〕与消费税〔excises〕均应全国划一。

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audio home recording act

Audio Home Recording Act. Copyright. A 1992 federal law designed to prevent copyright-infringement suits based on the manufacture, importation, distribution, or sale of digital-audio technology. • Manufacturers of digital recording devices must pay royalties on sales of the devices and related media, and build security mechanisms into each device. The security mechanisms allow the owner

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