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witenagemot (wit-[schwa]-n[schwa]-g[schwa]-moht). [Anglo-Saxon “a meeting of the wise”] Hist. A national assembly of noblemen, high ecclesiastics, and other great thanes of England who advised and aided the king in the general administration of the government. • Its composition depended on the will of the king. It passed out of existence with the Norman Conquest (1066). […]

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centumviri (sen-t[schwa]m-v[schwa]-rI), n. pl.[Latin “hundred men”] Roman law. A court with jurisdiction to hear important cases, esp. those relating to inheritances and disputed wills. • The court originally consisted of 105 judges — 3 from each of the 35 tribes.

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subinfeudation (s[schwa]b-in-fyoo-day-sh[schwa]n), n. Hist. The system under which the tenants in a feudal system granted smaller estates to their tenants, who in turn did the same from their pieces of land. • As this system proceeded down the social scale, the lords were deprived of their feudal profits, as a result of which the system

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ferc out clause

FERC-out clause. Oil & gas. A provision in a contract to sell natural gas specifying that if a regulatory agency does not allow the price paid to the producer to be passed on to consumers, either the contract price will be reduced accordingly or the contract will be terminated. — Also termed regulatory-out clause.

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conquest. 1. Int’l law. An act of force by which, during a war, a belligerent occupies territory within an enemy country with the intention of extending its sovereignty over that territory. • That intention is usu. explained in a proclamation or some other legal act. 2. Hist. The acquisition of land by any method other

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revocation (rev-[schwa]-kay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. An annulment, cancellation, or reversal, usu. of an act or power. 2. Contracts. Withdrawal of an offer by the offeror. Cf. REPUDIATION(2); RESCISSION; REJECTION(1). [Cases: Contracts 19; Sales 22(2), 23(2). C.J.S. Contracts § 63; Sales§ 32.] 3. Wills & estates. Invalidation of a will by the testator, either by destroying the

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de non decimando

de non decimando (dee non des-[schwa]-man-doh), n. [Law Latin “of not paying tithes”] Eccles. law. A claim for release from paying a tithe. — Also termed modus de non decimando. “A prescription de non decimando is a claim to be entirely discharged of tithes, and to pay no compensation in lieu of them. Thus the

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submission, n. 1. A yielding to the authority or will of another (his resistance ended in an about-face: complete submission). 2. A contract in which the parties agree to refer their dispute to a third party for resolution (in their submission to arbitration, they referred to the rules of the American Arbitration Association). [Cases: Arbitration

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