Search Results for: IRS

lawful representatives

lawful representatives 法定的遗产代理人 1涉及不动产遗产时,指不动产遗产的法定继承人〔legal heirs〕;2涉及动产遗产时,指遗产管理人〔administrator〕或遗嘱执行人〔executor〕;3也可以指任何其他的合法遗产代理人,例如继承人、受遗赠人、受让人、受托人等。 (→legal representative; representative)

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reconsider, vb. To discuss or take up (a matter) again (legislators voted to reconsider the bill). • Under parliamentary law, a motion to reconsider sets aside a certain vote already taken and restores the motion on which the vote is being reconsidered to its status immediately before the vote occurred. Making a motion to reconsider

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lex voconia

lex Voconia (leks v[schwa]-koh-nee-[schwa]). [Latin] Roman law. A law enacted in 169 B.C. to regulate inheritance (esp. by women) by capping the amount receivable by anyone as legacy or gift in view of death at no more than the heirs took. • The Falcidian law superseded the lex Voconia. — Also termed Voconian law. See

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nemo (nee-moh), n. [Latin] No one; no man. • This term is the first word of many Latin maxims, such as nemo est supra leges (“no one is above the law”).

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markush group

Markush group. Patents. A limited form of generic claim that recites an element, states that the element is a member of a group, and names the other group members, any of which could substitute for the first recited element. • All Markush group members must have at least one common property that is mainly responsible

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bush doctrine

Bush doctrine. The policy announced by President George W. Bush after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, to the effect that nations harboring terrorists will be treated as terrorists themselves and may be subject to a first-strike strategy. Cf. SOVEREIGN EQUALITY.

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satisfaction, n. 1. The giving of something with the intention, express or implied, that it is to extinguish some existing legal or moral obligation. • Satisfaction differs from performance because it is always something given as a substitute for or equivalent of something else, while performance is the identical thing promised to be done. —

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res nova

res nova (rays noh-v[schwa]). [Latin “new thing”] 1. An undecided question of law. 2. A case of first impression. — Also termed res integra. See case of first impression under CASE.

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