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constitutio (kon-sti-t[y]oo-shee-oh), n. [Latin “a decree”] 1. Roman law. An imperial decree; a law issued by the emperor; later, in the plural form constitutiones, a collection of laws. • The constitutiones took various forms, including orationes (laws submitted to the Senate), edicta (laws — usu. of a general character — put forth by the emperor), […]

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intervention, n. 1. The entry into a lawsuit by a third party who, despite not being named a party to the action, has a personal stake in the outcome. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 24. • The intervenor sometimes joins the plaintiff in claiming what is sought, sometimes joins the defendant in resisting what is

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landrum–griffin act

Landrum–Griffin Act. A federal law, originally enacted in 1959 as the Labor–Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, designed to (1) curb corruption in union leadership and undemocratic conduct in internal union affairs, (2) outlaw certain types of secondary boycotts, and (3) prevent so-called hot-cargo provisions in collective-bargaining agreements. See HOT CARGO.

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Miller trust

An irrevocable trust funded with the income of an incompetent beneficiary who seeks to qualify for Medicaid in a state with an income cap. • Funding is strictly limited to the beneficiary’s income (from any source). The assets in the trust are not included in the beneficiary’s estate for Medicaid purposes if the trust assets

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nonbailable, adj. 1. (Of a person) not entitled to bail (the defendant was nonbailable because of a charge of first-degree murder). [Cases: Bail 43. C.J.S. Bail; Release and Detention Pending Proceedings§§ 18–23.] 2. (Of an offense) not admitting of bail (murder is a nonbailable offense).

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