Search Results for: GREE

initial disclosure

Civil procedure. In federal practice, the requirement that parties make available to each other the following information without first receiving a discovery request: (1) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons likely to have relevant, discoverable information, (2) a copy or description of all relevant documents, data compilations, and tangible items in the party’s […]

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citations law of

Citations, Law of. Roman law. An A.D. 426 decree of Emperor Valentinian III listing Papinian, Paul, Gaius, Ulpian, and Modestinus as juristic writers who could be cited authoritatively in court. • If a majority of the writers agreed on an issue, the judge was bound to follow the majority view. The Law of Citations allowed

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diallage (dI-al-[schwa]-jee), n. [fr. Greek diallag “interchange”] A rhetorical figure of speech in which arguments are placed in several points of view, and then brought to bear on one point.

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vert (v[schwa]rt). Hist. 1. Anything that grows and bears green leaves within a forest. 2. A power, given by royal grant, to cut green wood in a forest.

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restricted surplus

A surplus with a limited or restricted use; esp., the portion of retained earnings that cannot be distributed as dividends. • The restriction is usu. due to preferred dividends in arrears, a covenant in a loan agreement, or some decision of the board of directors. See retained earnings under EARNINGS.

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