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senatus consultum macedonianum

senatus consultum Macedonianum (si-nay-t[schwa]s k[schwa]n-s[schwa]l-t[ schwa]m mas-[schwa]-doh-nee-ay-n[schwa]m). [Latin “Macedo’s Resolution”] Roman law. A senate decree under Vespasian to protect fathers from children in their power who had borrowed excessive sums in expectation of their father’s death, by making actions to recover such loans unlawful. — Also termed Macedonian Decree. “The senatus consultum Macedonianum reads as

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proof brief

A preliminary appellate brief to be reviewed by the clerk of the court for compliance with applicable rules. • Proof briefs are required by local rules of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. A proof brief in full compliance will be accepted and filed. If not in compliance, it will be returned

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indebiti solutio

indebiti solutio (in-deb-i-tI s[schwa]-l[y]oo-shee-oh). [Latin] Roman & Scots law. Payment of what is not owed. • Money paid under the mistaken belief that it was owed could be recovered by condictio indebiti. See condictio indebiti under CONDICTIO. “Indebiti Solutio — When a person has paid in error what he was not bound to pay the

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manipulation. Securities. The illegal practice of raising or lowering a security’s price by creating the appearance of active trading. • Manipulation is prohibited by § 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. 15 USCA § 78j(b). — Also termed market manipulation; stock manipulation. [Cases: Securities Regulation 60.25. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 214, 226–227.]

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exhibit, n. 1. A document, record, or other tangible object formally introduced as evidence in court. [Cases: Criminal Law 404.5; Evidence 188. C.J.S. Criminal Law § 846; Evidence§§ 789–791, 794, 796.] 2. A document attached to and made part of a pleading, motion, contract, or other instrument. exhibit, vb. Archaic. To bring a lawsuit by

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morgan presumption

Morgan presumption. A presumption that shifts the burden of proof by requiring the person against whom it operates to produce sufficient evidence to outweigh the evidence that supports the presumed fact, as in requiring a criminal defendant who was arrested while in possession of an illegal substance — and is thereby presumed to have knowingly

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composition of matter

composition of matter. Patents. One of the five types of patentable statutory subject matter, consisting of com-binations of natural elements whether resulting from chemical union or from mechanical mixture, and whether the substances are gases, fluids, powders, or solids. • This classification includes chemical compounds such as drugs and fuels, physical products such as plastics

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Queen’s Bench

Queen’s Bench 〈英〉王座法庭 1875年司法改革之前英格兰的三个普通法中央法庭之一,另两个是民诉法庭〔Court of Common Pleas; Common Bench〕和财税法庭〔Court of Exchequer〕,它们都是依据不同分工从早期的御前会议〔Curia Regis〕中分离出来的。之所以称之为王座法庭,一方面是因为它是以国王的名义来记录和保存档案的,另一方面因为以前国王时常亲自在此坐堂问案。作为以前国王御前会议的一部分,依据其性质和组成,它不可能固定于一地,而是随国王四处巡游,待到几个世纪之后,皇家法院正式建成,它才固定在威斯敏斯特,但仍可依国王意志移动。与另两个普通法中央法庭相比,无论在权力还是地位方面,王座法庭都更高一筹,其首席法官被称为英格兰皇家首席大法官〔Lord Chief Justice of England〕,位居其他普通法法官之先;以前它还可以受理来自民诉法庭和财税法庭的上诉案件;另外它还能通过具有特权性质的职务执行令〔writ of mandamus〕——该权力另两个普通法中央法庭也享有,禁令〔prohibition〕和调卷令〔certiorari〕对下级法庭、治安法官〔magistrate〕及公共法人〔civil corporation〕以及对权利开示令〔quo warranto〕和人身保护令〔habeas corpus〕的申请等程序享有特别管辖权。王座法庭的职能分民事〔plea side〕和王事〔Crown side〕两方面,其民事司法管辖权起初只限于当事人为国王的直属封臣〔tenant in chief〕或王室人员的案件,后来通过米德尔塞克斯令〔Bill of Middlesex〕获得了除不动产权益诉讼〔real actions〕和涉及财税的案件之外的一切对人之诉〔personal action〕的管辖权,1832年的一项法令则正式授予了它对这些案件的管辖权,对这些案件的上诉管辖权归财政署内室法庭〔Court of Exchequer Chamber〕。王事方面的管辖权包括上面谈到的上诉和特别管辖权,还包括刑事管辖权。在普通法方面,王座法庭是主要的刑事法庭,对刑事案件可以有初审管辖权,下级法庭的刑事案件在一定条件下可通过调卷令移至王座法庭。1873-1875年的司法改革将王座法庭的司法管辖权移给了高等法院〔High Court〕,它原来的英格兰皇家首席大法官和其他五位常任法官组成了高等法院王座分庭,受理原属它管辖的案件。1881年,高等法院的民诉分庭、财税分庭并入王座分庭,组成了新的王座分庭。 (→Court of Common Pleas; Court of Exchequer; Lord Chief Justice of England)

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