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meditatio fugae

meditatio fugae (med-i-tay-shee-oh fyoo-jee). [Latin] Scots law. The intention of absconding. “When a creditor is in circumstances to make oath or affirmation that his debtor, whether native or foreigner, is in meditatione fugae, in order to avoid the payment of his debt, or where he has reasonable ground for apprehending that the debtor has such […]

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surdus (s[schwa]r-d[schwa]s), n. [Latin] Roman law. A deaf person. • A wholly deaf and mute person could not lawfully make a will before the time of Justinian, who modified the law.

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grand coutumier de pays et duché de normandie

grand coutumier de pays et duché de Normandie (gron koo-t[y]oo-myay d[schwa]pay ay d[schwa]-shay d[schwa] nor-man-dee). [French] Hist. A collection of the common or customary laws of the Duchy of Normandy. • The code was probably compiled in the 13th century, and it still remains the law of Jersey, except to the extent that it has

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civil commitment

civil commitment. 1. A commitment of a person who is ill, incompetent, drug-addicted, or the like, as contrasted with a criminal sentence. [Cases: Chemical Dependents 10; Mental Health 31. C.J.S. Chemical De-pendents §§ 10–11; Insane Persons§§ 45, 47, 53.] 2. A public demonstration by two people of their intent to be bound together in a

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hat money

hat money. Maritime law. A small gratuity traditionally paid to the master (and sometimes the crew) of a ship for the care of the cargo. — Also termed pocket money; primage. [Cases: Shipping 69. C.J.S. Shipping § 158.] “Primage and average, which are mentioned in bills of lading, mean a small compensation or duty paid

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offensive lockout

A lockout called by management to assert economic pressure on workers and thereby gain a bargaining advantage over a union. • Offensive lockouts were illegal before the U.S. Supreme Court abolished the legal distinction between offensive and defensive lockouts in favor of a balancing test. American Ship Bldg. Co. v. NLRB, 380 U.S. 300, 85

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abatement of action

abatement of action 终止诉讼;使诉讼无效 指由于被告提出了使诉讼暂时或永久无效的事由,而使整个诉讼被推翻或终止。在普通法上,它是指诉讼的绝对终止,当事人如有任何进一步的诉讼请求,都必须重新提起诉讼。但在衡平法院及其它一些按近代程序规则行事的法庭中,仅指由于缺少适格的诉讼当事人而使所有的诉讼程序暂时中止,对此,可以按续审状〔bill of revivor〕恢复诉讼。

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Medicare. A federal program — established under the Social Security Act — that provides health insurance for the elderly and the disabled. Cf. MEDICAID; MEDIGAP INSURANCE. [Cases: Health 520–554.] “The Medicare Program is really three programs, Parts A, B, and C. Part A, the Hospital Insurance program, covers inpatient hospital, skilled nursing, home health, and

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