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judicial notice

judicial notice. A court’s acceptance, for purposes of convenience and without requiring a party’s proof, of a well-known and indisputable fact; the court’s power to accept such a fact (the trial court took judicial notice of the fact that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit).Fed. R. Evid. 201. — Also termed judicial cognizance; judicial knowledge. […]

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installment contract

A contract requiring or authorizing the delivery of goods in separate lots, or payments in separate increments, to be separately accepted. • Under the UCC, this type of agreement will be considered one contract even if it has a clause stating that each delivery is a separate contract. UCC § 2-612. [Cases: Sales 163, 192.

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Blue Book

Blue Book 蓝皮书 1由美国尼克松〔Nixon〕总统从水门录音带〔Watergate tapes〕中精心挑选,并提交给负责弹劾调查的司法委员会的一份长达1 300页的文本;2有关利比亚人的狂热领导人穆马·卡扎菲上校〔Col.Mummar Qaddafi〕的语录和格言的收藏本,仿照中国毛泽东主席红皮语录而作,也称为绿皮书〔Green Book〕;3为向美国公众解释1978年由律师起草的复杂难懂的税收法,而由国会联合税务委员会〔Joint Tax Committee of Congress〕准备的多卷材料;4美国一本法律援引指南,原名为《统一法律援引系统》〔A Uniform System of Citation〕。它是为撰写辩护状〔brief〕、备忘录〔memo〕或法律评论文章时引用权威言论的方便,而编纂的有关详尽规则的小册子,因其封皮为蓝色而得名,以前其封皮为白色,故又称为白皮书〔White Book〕。该书被认为是美国最权威的法律援引参考书。其全称是《蓝皮书:统一法律援引系统》〔The Bluebook:A Uniform System of Citation〕。虽然其编者是在20世纪90年代中期才正式将蓝皮书〔Bluebook〕作为其书名的一部分,但该书被人们称为蓝皮书已有10年时间。该书由《哥伦比亚法律评论》、《哈佛法律评论》、《宾夕法尼亚大学法律评论》和《耶鲁法律评论》的编辑们共同编着而成;5(美国)州议会法律汇编蓝皮书;6在英国,指对政府出版物的习惯称法,如皇家委员会报告〔Royal Commission report〕,因这些出版物用蓝纸作封面而得名。(→session laws)

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earnest, n. 1. A nominal payment or token act that serves as a pledge or a sign of good faith, esp. as the partial purchase price of property. • Though not legally necessary, an earnest may help the parties come to an agreement. 2. EARNEST MONEY.

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pro re nata

pro re nata (proh ree nay-t[schwa]). [Latin “in the light of what has arisen”] Hist. By reason of emergency; arising from exigent circumstances. • The phrase appeared, for example, in reference to a meeting called to address an emergency. “So far as may be, the state leaves the rule of right to be declared and

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public intoxication

The appearance of a person who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol in a place open to the general public. • In most American jurisdictions, public intoxication is considered a misdemeanor, and in some states, alcoholism is a defense if the offender agrees to attend a treatment program. [Cases: Chemical Dependents 4.1.]

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consensual contract

Hist. A contract arising from the mere consensus of the parties, without any formal or symbolic acts performed to fix the obligation. • Although the consensual contract was known to the common law, it originated in Roman law, where it embraced four types of contracts in which informal consent alone was suf-ficient: (1) an agency

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defendemus (di-fen-d[schwa]-m[schwa]s). [fr. Latin defendere] We will defend. • This term was used in conveyancing to require the donor and the donor’s heirs to defend the donee against any attempted encumbrance not specifically agreed to. Although defendeus was not a warranty, it became part of the warranty clause “shall and will warrant and forever defend.”

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