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bertillon system

Bertillon system (b[schwa]r-t[schwa]-lon or bair-tee-yawn). A system of anthropometry once used to identify criminals by measuring and describing them. • The Bertillon system is named for Alphonse Bertillon, the French anthropologist who developed the technique early in the 20th century. It has been largely replaced by fingerprinting. Cf. ANTHROPOMETRY. “The system of identification known as […]

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sweatwork. Slang. A compilation, esp. a searchable computer database, that does not qualify for U.S. copyright protection because the underlying facts are not copyrightable and the compilation is not a nontrivial arrangement. • New forms of intellectual-property laws are aimed at protecting the “sweat-of-the-brow” investment that goes into compiling databases. Cf. SWEAT-OF-THE-BROW DOCTRINE E.

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legalism, n. 1. Formalism carried almost to the point of meaninglessness; an inclination to exalt the importance of law or formulated rules in any area of action. “What is legalism? It is the ethical attitude that holds moral conduct to be a matter of rule following, and moral relationships to consist of duties and rights

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