Search Results for: AGRI


arcifinious a. (土地)有天然边界的 源于拉丁文「arcifinius」(有不规则边界的),指某一土地存在自然边界,诸如树林、山岭、河流等。该种土地与划界地〔agri limitati〕不同,其所有人对因冲积而自然增加的土地享有权利。它多用于大陆法中。 (→agri limitati)

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husbandry. 1. Agriculture or farming; cultivation of the soil for food. • In some states, tools and equipment used in farming are exempt from forced sale for collection of a debt. [Cases: Exemptions 45.] 2. Generally, care of a household; careful management of resources.

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leverage contract

leverage contract. An agreement for the purchase or sale of a contract for the future delivery of a specified commodity, usu. silver, gold, or another precious metal, in a standard unit and quantity, for a particular price, with no right to a particular lot of the commodity. • A leverage contract operates much like a

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disciplinary rule

disciplinary rule. (often cap.) A mandatory regulation stating the minimum level of professional conduct that a professional must sustain to avoid being subject to disciplinary action. • For lawyers, the disciplinary rules are found chiefly in the Model Code of Professional Responsibility. — Abbr. DR. Cf. ETHICAL CONSIDERATION. [Cases: Licenses 25. C.J.S. Agriculture § 4.5;

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factorage. 1. The compensation paid to a factor for his or her services. [Cases: Factors 44. C.J.S. Agriculture §§ 171–173, 176–177.] 2. The business of a factor. [Cases: Factors 1, 5. C.J.S. Agriculture §§ 163, 165, 178.]

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emotional distress

emotional distress. A highly unpleasant mental reaction (such as anguish, grief, fright, humiliation, or fury) that results from another person’s conduct; emotional pain and suffering. • Emotional distress, when severe enough, can form a basis for the recovery of tort damages. — Also termed emotional harm; mental anguish; mental distress; mental suffering. See INTENTIONAL INFLICTION

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