Search Results for: AGRI


farm n. (1)农地 一个集体名词,可指宅院、耕地、草地、牧地、林地、公地等,盎格鲁-撒克逊时代相当于fermholt、tack、wike。 (2)(特指)农家宅院(→agricultural holding) (3)(出现在遗嘱中指)遗赠的农地 包括附属于农地的非农用土地如林地,也可以是不相邻的几片土地,只要立遗嘱人曾经或一直将其作农地使用。 (4) (英格兰古法)租金;租期;租佃地 (5)(英格兰古法)包税 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期称feorme、foodrent、ferm、firma,指每年交付一次的固定租金或税额,中世纪时由郡长〔sheriff〕负责包缴所在郡的年总税额,即预先交付一定金额,超过固定包税额的税收由包税的郡长获利。 (6)农用土地;养殖场;畜牧场;林场 v. (7)耕作;耕种;种植;养殖 (8)出租(土地) (9)(附条件、交付固定租金而)转让、让渡(不动产) (10)经营(农场)

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peace corps

Peace Corps. An independent federal agency that promotes peace and friendship in the world by sending volunteers to other countries to work in education, agriculture, health, small-business development, urban development, and the environment. • The agency was established by the Peace Corps Act of 1961 and became independent in 1988.

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praedium (pree-dee-[schwa]m), n. [Latin] Roman law. Land; an estate. Pl. praedia. praedium dominans (pree-dee-[schwa]m dom-[schwa]-nanz). [Latin] A dominant estate; an estate benefiting from a servitude. See SERVITUDE. Cf. dominant estate under ESTATE(4). praedium rusticum (pree-dee-[schwa]m r[schwa]s-ti-k[schwa]m). [Latin] An estate used for agricultural purposes. Cf. rural servitude under SERVITUDE (2). praedium serviens (pree-dee-[schwa]m s[schwa]r-vee-enz). [Latin] An

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soil bank

soil bank. A federal agricultural program in which farmers are paid to not grow crops or to grow noncommercial vegetation, to preserve the quality of the soil and stabilize commodity prices by avoiding surpluses. [Cases: Agriculture 3. 2.]

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