Search Results for: AGRI

drainage district

drainage district. A political subdivision authorized to levy assessments for making drainage improvements within its area. [Cases: Drains 12. C.J.S. Drains § 8.] “In the United States there are numerous special districts that administer drainage projects. They are typically formed under state law after a local election or petition showing consent of a majority of […]

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rural servitude

Roman law. A servitude chiefly affecting agricultural land or land in the country. • The four oldest types, iter, actus, via, and aqueductus, were all res mancipi despite being incorporeal. Most rural servitudes were easements, but some were profits. — Also termed rustic servitude; praedium rusticum; jus rusticorum praediorum.

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sharecropping. An agricultural arrangement in which a landowner leases land to a tenant who, in turn, gives the landlord a portion of the crop as rent. • The landlord usu. provides the seed, fertilizer, and equipment. [Cases: Landlord and Tenant 319–333. C.J.S. Landlord and Tenant §§ 793, 795–815, 817–829.] — sharecropper, n.

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granger cases

Granger Cases (grayn-j[schwa]r). Six U.S. Supreme Court decisions that affirmed the government’s right to regulate fees charged by common carriers, warehouses, and grain elevators. • The cases, decided in 1876, arose out of grangers’ (i.e., farmers’) frustration with the inflated prices they were paying to store and transport their agricultural products. Several state legislatures passed

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ager (ay-j[schwa]r), n. [Latin] Roman law. Land or territory; esp., a portion of land enclosed by definite boundaries. ager arcifinius (ay-j[schwa]r ahr-si-fin-ee-[schwa]s). [Latin “land having irregular boundaries; unsur-veyed land”] Roman law. Land enclosed only as a means of identification, not as a limit. Pl. agri arcifinii. Cf. ager limitatus. ager limitatus (ay-j[schwa]r lim-i-tay-t[schwa]s). [Latin “field

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consumer loan

A loan that is given to an individual for family, household, personal, or agricultural purposes and that is generally governed by truth-in-lending statutes and regulations. [Cases: Consumer Credit 1. C.J.S. Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit § 274.]

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loanland. Hist. A tenancy involving the loan of land by one person to another. — Also spelled laenland. Cf. BOOKLAND; FOLKLAND. “Laenlands were loaned lands, that is, lands granted for a period, either the life of the grantee or some longer time such as three lives. In return the grantees performed services, usually of an

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