Search Results for: REGULATION Q

substitution of judgment doctrine

substitution-of-judgment doctrine. Administrative law. The standard for reviewing an agency’s decision, by which a court uses its own independent judgment in interpreting laws and administrative regulations — rather than deferring to the agency — when the agency’s interpretation is not instructive or the regulations do not involve matters requiring the agency’s expertise. [Cases: Administrative Law […]

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opposition. 1. Patents. An action or procedure by which a third party can request a patent application’s refusal or an issued patent’s annulment. • Most countries allow opposition in some form. 2. Trademarks. A procedure by which a third party can contest an application to place a proposed trademark on the Principal Register before the

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lobbying acts

lobbying acts 〈美〉〔总称〕院外活动法 规范院外活动集团成员行为的联邦与州的成文法的总称。如《院外活动联邦管理法》〔Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act〕要求院外活动集团成员向国会两院登记注册,并按季度报告其游说活动所获收入的数额及来源。

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ab epistolis

ab epistolis (ab ee-pis-t[schwa]-lis), n. [Latin] Hist. An officer who maintained the correspondence (epistolae) for a superior; a secretary. ABERCROMBIE(TT) CLASSIFICATION Abercrombie classification. Trademarks. One of the four types of trade designation — whether by mark, name, or dress — as generic, descriptive, suggestive, and arbitrary or fanciful, in increasing order of distinctiveness. Ab-ercrombie &

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tippee. Securities. A person who acquires material nonpublic information from someone in a fiduciary relationship with the company to which that information pertains. [Cases: Securities Regulation 60.28(5). C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 184.]

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registered trademark

A trademark that has been filed and recorded with the Patent and Trademark Office. • A federally registered trademark is usu. marked by the symbol “®” or a phrase such as “Registered U.S. Patent & Trademark Office” so that the trademark owner can collect treble damages or the defendant’s profits for an infringement. If the

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parking. 1. The sale of securities subject to an agreement that the seller will buy them back at a later time for a similar price. • Parking is illegal if done to circumvent securities regulations or tax laws. It is often a method of evading the net-capital requirements of the National Association of Securities Dealers

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