Search Results for: REGULATION Q

blank forms rule

blank-forms rule. Copyright. The principle that forms are not protectable by copyright if they are designed for recording information but do not themselves convey any information. • The rule, first promulgated by the U.S. Supreme Court in Baker v. Selden, 101 U.S. 99 (1879), is now a U.S. Copyright Office regulation, 37CFR § 202.1(c). See […]

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fishery. 1. A right or liberty of taking fish. • Fishery was an incorporeal hereditament under old English law. — Also termed piscary. [Cases: Fish 3.] free fishery. An exclusive right of fishery, existing by grant or prescription from the monarch, to take fish in public water such as a river or an arm of

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similarity. Intellectual property. The resemblance of one trademark or copyrighted work to another. • How closely a trademark must resemble another to amount to infringement depends on the nature of the product and how much care the typical buyer would be expected to take in making the selection in that particular market. It is a

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Trademarks. An item that so resembles a trademarked item as to be likely to induce the belief that it is genuine. See SIMILARITY. [Cases: Trade Regulation 339. C.J.S. Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition §§ 84, 86.]

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united states coast guard

United States Coast Guard. A military service and armed-forces branch that enforces the federal laws applicable to waters subject to U.S. jurisdiction, administers laws and promulgates regulations for the safety of lives and property on waters under U.S. jurisdiction, carries out maritime rescue operations, performs oceanographic research, and at times serves as a specialized branch

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