Search Results for: TEC

collateral estoppel

collateral estoppel (e-stop-[schwa]l). 1. The binding effect of a judgment as to matters actually litigated and determined in one action on later controversies between the parties involving a different claim from that on which the original judgment was based. 2. A doctrine barring a party from relitigating an issue determined against that party in an […]

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miscegenation (mi-sej-[schwa]-nay-sh[schwa]n). A marriage between persons of different races, formerly considered illegal in some jurisdictions. • In 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court held that laws banning interracial marriages are unconstitutional. Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 87 S.Ct. 1817 (1967). But for years, such laws technically remained on the books in some states. The last

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failure to claim

Patents. A finding by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or by a court that a patent applicant or patentee has forfeited the right to broader protection by not seeking protection for some disclosed subject matter. • Any art outside the explicit claims, including foreseeable alteration of the claimed structure, is considered dedicated to the

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National Urban League

National Urban League 〈美〉全国城市联盟 旨在保障黑人在教育、就业、住房、健康和福利等方面机会平等的法律权利的组织。该组织由乔治·埃德蒙·海恩斯〔George Edmund Haynes〕和鲁思·斯坦迪什·鲍德温〔Ruth Standish Baldwin〕1910年成立于纽约城,其前身包括保护有色妇女全国联盟〔National League for the Protection of Colored Women〕和改善纽约黑人工业条件委员会〔Committee for Improving the Industrial Conditions for Negroes in New York〕。

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