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casing. Oil & gas. The pipe in a wellbore hole, cemented into place to prevent pollution and to protect the hole. intermediate casing. Casing that protects deep formations against pollution from drilling and producing opera-tions. production casing. Wellbore pipe through which oil and gas is produced. • Production casing is the last pipe set in

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special pleading

special pleading. 1. The common-law system of pleading that required the parties to exchange a series of court papers (such as replications, rebutters, and surrebutters) setting out their contentions in accordance with hypertechnical rules before a case could be tried. • Often, therefore, cases were decided on points of pleading and not on the merits.

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castle doctrine

castle doctrine. Criminal law. An exception to the retreat rule allowing the use of deadly force by a person who is protecting his or her home and its inhabitants from attack, esp. from a trespasser who intends to commit a felony or inflict serious bodily harm. — Also termed dwelling defense; defense of habitation. See

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channel. 1. The bed of a stream of water; the groove through which a stream flows (digging a deeper channel was thought to help protect the river from flooding). main channel. The bed over which the principal volume of water flows; the deepest and most navigable part of a channel. natural channel. The naturally formed

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future interest

future interest. A property interest in which the privilege of possession or of other enjoyment is future and not present. • A future interest can exist in either the grantor (as with a reversion) or the grantee (as with a remainder or executory interest). Today, most future interests are equitable interests in stocks and debt

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chace act

Chace Act. Hist. Copyright. An 1891 statute giving U.S. copyright protection to the citizens of other nations that in turn gave a similar degree of reciprocal protection to U.S. citizens. • The Act was invoked by presidential order or by treaty, primarily with European countries. Under the Act’s manufacturing clause, English-language books and other printed

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