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direct examination

direct examination. The first questioning of a witness in a trial or other proceeding, conducted by the party who called the witness to testify. — Often shortened to direct. — Also termed examination-in-chief. Cf. CROSS-EXAMINATION N; REDIRECT EXAMINATION. [Cases: Witnesses 224–245. C.J.S. Witnesses §§ 390–394, 396–401, 403–423, 436.]

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Bounty of Queen Anne

Bounty of Queen Anne 〈英〉安妮女王基金会 依据皇家特许状成立的基金会,并由1703年的一项制定法正式确立。所有属于国王所得的初年圣俸〔first-fruit〕和什一税〔tenths〕均交给基金管理会〔Governor〕的受托人管理,建立基金会,目的在于增加贫困教士的收入。依据该基金会的原则,通过从初年圣俸和什一税的财政收入中拨款增加贫困教士的收入,相应地也免除这些教士收取初年圣俸和什一税的义务。每一教区〔diocese〕的主教都要负责调查本教区内年收入不足50英镑的教士的情况,并向财政署如实报告。对该基金会的制度,后来的制定法特别是1838年《安妮女王基金会法》〔Queen Anne’s Bounty Act〕作了进一步规定。1776年《教士住宅维修法》〔Clergy Residences Repair Act〕,也即通称的《吉尔伯特法案》〔Gilbert’s Act〕,授权基金会理事可以贷出4%的款项用于维修堂区牧师寓所〔parsonage〕等,但要以教会产业作抵押。依据1925年《什一税法》〔Tithe Act〕,安妮女王基金会又获得了收取所有什一税租费〔tithe rentcharge〕并发放给神职人员的权力,但1936年《什一税法》又将什一税租费废除了。依据1947年《英格兰国教委员会法》〔Church Commissioners Measure〕,安妮女王基金会与宗教事务委员会〔Ecclesiastical Commissioners〕合并,更名为英格兰国教委员会〔Church Commissioners〕。

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prima facie

prima facie, adj. Sufficient to establish a fact or raise a presumption unless disproved or rebutted (a prima facie showing). prima facie (prI-m[schwa] fay-sh[schwa] orfay-shee), adv. [Latin] At first sight; on first appearance but subject to further evidence or information ( the agreement is prima facie valid). [Cases: Evidence 53, 85, 584(1). C.J.S. Evidence §§

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chain of title

chain of title. 1. The ownership history of a piece of land, from its first owner to the present one. — Also termed line of title; string of title. 2. The ownership history of commercial paper, traceable through the indorsements. • For the holder to have good title, every prior negotiation must have been proper.

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