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International Trade Organization/ITO

International Trade Organization/ITO 国际贸易组织 二次大战前一些国家采取的贸易政策引起了许多困难,导致美国拟议设立一个全新的国际贸易组织规范各国贸易政策,解决贸易伙伴间的争议,该机构作为联合国的一个专门机构,致力于减少关税或其他贸易壁垒,协助经济发展与复兴,规范阻碍贸易的限制性商业惯例等。建立国际贸易组织的谈判于1947年在日内瓦展开。鉴于很快出现了反对国际贸易组织章程的意见,尤其是美国国会内的反对意见,杜鲁门政府撤销了对国际贸易组织的支持,这一创议随之淡出人们的兴趣范围。但是,国际贸易组织未能建立所留下的空白被其他机构,如关税及贸易总协定〔General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade〕、世界银行、联合国贸易与发展会议〔United Nations Conference on Trade and Development〕所填补。

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delivered duty paid

delivered duty paid. A mercantile-contract term allocating the rights and duties of the buyer and the seller of goods with respect to delivery, payment, and risk of loss, whereby the seller must (1) clear the goods for export, (2) bear the costs of carriage, (3) pay the buyer’s import duties, and (4) make the goods

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mediation (mee-dee-ay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. A method of nonbinding dispute resolution involving a neutral third party who tries to help the disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable solution; CONCILIATION. — Also termed case evaluation; facilitated negotiation. [Cases: Arbitration 1–47. C.J.S. Arbitration §§ 2–90, 92–93, 107, 109–110, 179–188; Architects§ 25.] 2. Int’l law. A process whereby a

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serjeant at law

Hist. English law. A barrister of superior grade; one who had achieved the highest degree of the legal profession, having (until 1846) the exclusive privilege of practicing in the Court of Common Pleas. • Every judge of the common-law courts was required to be a serjeant-at-law until the Judicature Act of 1873. The rank was

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