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care n. (1)注意 在有关过失的法律中,合理行为标准所要求的注意程度与相应的危险成比例。如果危险增大,则行为人也需承担相应的注意义务。注意的程度,一般分为三级,即轻度注意〔slight care〕、一般注意〔ordinary care〕和高度注意〔great care〕。也有分为五级的,即轻度注意、一般注意、合理注意〔reasonable care〕、高度注意和最高注意〔utmost care;highest degree of care〕,其所需要的注意程度依次提高。1轻度注意,是指一般谨慎的人在管理自己轻度重要事务时所行使的注意。2一般注意,指一般谨慎和注意的人在相同或相似情况下通常会行使的注意。3合理注意,指根据行为或标的的性质以及当时的情形,而被正当、合理地期待或要求的谨慎、注意或勤勉。亦即一般谨慎的人在当时条件下所要求的注意,实际上与一般注意或正当注意〔due care〕同义。4高度注意,指一般谨慎的人在管理自己重大事务时所行使的注意。高度注意与合理注意在法律上是不相同的,它是指一个非常小心、谨慎和注意的人在相同或相似情况下可能行使的注意,该种注意的程度随危险增大而提高。5最高注意,指当人身安全处于紧要关头时,法律所要求的注意程度,即非常小心、谨慎而有能力的人在相同情况下会采用相同的方法和行为所要求的注意。 (2)监护;保护;管理 (3)(专业)护理 v. (4)注意;照顾 (5)喜欢 (6)抚养;管理 (→diligence; due care; reasonable care; support; degree of care; maintenance and cure)

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satisfaction, n. 1. The giving of something with the intention, express or implied, that it is to extinguish some existing legal or moral obligation. • Satisfaction differs from performance because it is always something given as a substitute for or equivalent of something else, while performance is the identical thing promised to be done. —

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hague rules

Hague Rules. Maritime law. An international agreement adopted at the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading in 1924. • Under the Hague Rules, a carrier is not liable for losses.

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minitrial. A private, voluntary, and informal form of dispute resolution in which each party’s attorney presents an abbreviated version of its case to a neutral third party and to the opponent’s representatives, who have settlement authority. • The third party may render an advisory opinion on the anticipated outcome of litigation. Cf. summary jury trial

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