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eaves drip

eaves-drip. 1. The dripping of water from the eaves of a house onto adjacent land. 2. An easement permitting the holder to allow water to drip onto the servient estate. See DRIP RIGHTS; STILLICIDIUM. [Cases: Waters and Water Courses 121. C.J.S. Waters § 257.]

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affirmative plea

affirmative plea 肯定性答辩 1在衡平法诉讼中,被告提出了起诉状〔bill〕中未包含的新的事实的答辩,如果该新的事实成立,将导致原告的起诉被驳回。最初,这是衡平法上仅有的一种答辩。现美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕已废除了这种答辩;2在普通法上,指提出在概括否认答辩〔general issue〕中无法证明之事项的特别答辩。

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non obstante

non obstante 〈拉〉尽管 旧时文件用语,表示预先排除任何同已宣称的目的或意图相反的解释。在英格兰古法中则常见于国王颁布的法令及签发的特许状〔letters patent〕中,表示准许某人做某事,尽管议会法律有相反规定。这一做法始于约1250年,其后经常用来准许教会法人在违背《永久管业法》〔Statute of Mortmain〕的情况下保有土地,直到国王詹姆士二世最后一次采用这一做法来违背1672年《宣誓法》〔Test Act〕——该事件成为导致1688年革命的因素之一。此后《权利法案》〔Bill of Rights〕废除了这一做法。

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petition of right

petition of right. 1. (cap.) One of the four great charters of English liberty (3 Car. (1628)), establishing that “no man be compelled to make or yield any gift, loan, benevolence, tax, or such like charge, without common consent by act of parliament.” • The other three great charters are Magna Carta, the Habeas Corpus

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