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casing. Oil & gas. The pipe in a wellbore hole, cemented into place to prevent pollution and to protect the hole. intermediate casing. Casing that protects deep formations against pollution from drilling and producing opera-tions. production casing. Wellbore pipe through which oil and gas is produced. • Production casing is the last pipe set in

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lieber code

Lieber Code. A codification of rules and customs of warfare, first developed by Francis Lieber during the American Revolution, formally adopted as law by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, and used as the basis for the first codified international rules of law at The Hague Peace Conference of 1899. • The rules were extended

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future interest

future interest. A property interest in which the privilege of possession or of other enjoyment is future and not present. • A future interest can exist in either the grantor (as with a reversion) or the grantee (as with a remainder or executory interest). Today, most future interests are equitable interests in stocks and debt

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