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praeteritio (pree-t[schwa]-rish-ee-oh or pret-[schwa]), n. [Latin] Roman law. A testator’s exclusion of an heir by passing the heir over. • In Roman law, passing over sui heredes usu. invalidated the will. See SUI HEREDES.

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pederasty (ped-[schwa]r-as-tee), n. Anal intercourse between a man and a boy. • Pederasty is illegal in all states. Cf. SODOMY. [Cases: Sodomy 1. C.J.S. Sodomy §§ 2–6.] — pederast (ped-[schwa]-rast), n.

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obviousness, n. Patents. The quality or state of being easily apparent to a person with ordinary skill in a given art, considering the scope and content of the prior art, so that the person could reasonably believe that, at the time it was conceived, the invention was to be expected. • An invention that is

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drafting. The practice, technique, or skill involved in preparing legal documents — such as statutes, rules, regulations, contracts, and wills — that set forth the rights, duties, liabilities, and entitlements of persons and legal entities. — Also termed legal drafting.

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ad exhaeredationem

ad exhaeredationem (ad eks-heer-[schwa]-day-shee-oh-n[schwa]m). [Law Latin] To the disinheritance; to the injury of the inheritance. “The writ of waste calls upon the tenant to appear and shew cause why he hath committed waste and destruction in the place named, ad exhaeredationem, to the disinherison of the plaintiff.” 3 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of

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nominal party

A party to an action who has no control over it and no financial interest in its outcome; esp., a party who has some immaterial interest in the subject matter of a lawsuit and who will not be affected by any judgment, but who is nonetheless joined in the lawsuit to avoid procedural defects. •

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lottery. A method of raising revenues, esp. state-government revenues, by selling tickets and giving prizes (usu. large cash prizes) to those who hold tickets with winning numbers that are drawn at random. — Also termed lotto. [Cases: Lotteries 3. C.J.S. Lotteries §§ 2–7, 11.] Dutch lottery. A lottery in which tickets are drawn from classes,

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ore tenus

ore tenus (or-ee tee-n[schwa]s orten-[schwa]s), adv. & adj.[Latin “by word of mouth”] 1. Orally; by word of mouth; VIVA VOCE (pleading carried on ore tenus). “Pleadings are the mutual altercations between the plaintiff and defendant; which at present are set down and delivered into the proper office in writing, though formerly they were usually put

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