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unavoidable accident

An accident that cannot be avoided because it is produced by an irresistible physical cause that cannot be prevented by human skill or reasonable foresight. • Examples include accidents resulting from lightning or storms, perils of the sea, inundations or earthquakes, or sudden illness or death. Unavoidable accident has been considered a means of avoiding […]

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primary line injury

primary-line injury. Antitrust. Under the price-discrimination provisions of the Robinson–Patman Act, the practice of charging below-cost, predatory prices in an attempt to eliminate the seller’s competition in the market. 15 USCA § 13(a). • A primary-line injury, which hinders or seeks to hinder competition among the seller’s competitors, is distinguishable from a secondary-line injury, which

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terminal disclaimer

Patents. A patent applicant’s statement shortening the term of the patent. • To revive an abandoned application for a design application or for a utility or plant application filed before June 8, 1995, the applicant must disclaim a period equal to the duration of abandonment. A terminal disclaimer may also be required in an application

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nation, n. 1. A large group of people having a common origin, language, and tradition and usu. constituting a political entity. • When a nation is coincident with a state, the term nation-state is often used. — Also termed nationality. “The nearest we can get to a definition is to say that a nation is

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stowage (stoh-ij).Maritime law. 1. The storing, packing, or arranging of cargo on a vessel to protect the goods from friction, bruising, or water damage during a voyage. • The bill of lading will often prescribe the method of stowage to be used. [Cases: Shipping 110. C.J.S. Shipping §§ 326, 328.] 2. The place (such as

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alias (ay-lee-[schwa]s), adj. Issued after the first instrument has not been effective or resulted in action. alias, adv. 1. Otherwise called or named; also known as (William Grimsby, alias the Grim Reaper). 2. At another time. alias, n. 1. An assumed or additional name that a person has used or is known by. — Also

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Sixth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 〈美〉美国宪法第六条修正案 1791年获批准的《权利法案》〔Bill of Rights〕条文之一。该修正案赋予刑事被告人数项重要权利,包括由公正陪审团进行迅速、公开审判权;知悉指控性质权;在法庭与对方证人对质权;利用有利证据进行辩护权;获得律师帮助权以及强制性的正当法律程序保护权。其中某些权利早在美国革命〔American Revolution〕时期依英国法就得以确立,而其他一些权利则只是勉强被接受。所有这些权利都是反对暴政的重要堡垒。因为该修正案已合理地融入了美国宪法第十四条修正案的正当法律程序条款〔Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment〕之中,该修正案现在不仅适用于联邦政府也适用于各州。

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