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obsolescence (ob-s[schwa]-les-[schwa]nts). 1. The process or state of falling into disuse or becoming obsolete. 2. A diminution in the value or usefulness of property, esp. as a result of technological advances. • For tax purposes, obsolescence is usu. distinguished from physical deterioration. Cf. DEPRECIATION. [Cases: Taxation 348(4).] economic obsolescence. Obsolescence that results from external economic […]

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man on the Clapham omnibus

man on the Clapham omnibus 〈英〉克拉珀姆公共马车上的人 鲍温勋爵〔Lord Bowen〕所使用并经常用来形象地指代「理性人」〔reasonable man〕的用语。「理性人」是一个假设的人,用来衡量疏忽行为中的被告是否达到法律所要求的谨慎标准。他不必具备阿喀琉斯〔Achilles〕的勇敢、尤利西斯〔Ulysses〕的智慧、赫拉克勒斯〔Hercules〕的力量,尽管布拉姆韦尔勋爵〔Lord Bramwell〕偶尔赋予其杂耍演员般的灵巧和希伯来先知的预见力。

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dation en paiement

dation en paiement (day-sh[schwa]n in pay-m[schwa]nt or da-syon ahn pay-mon), n. [French “a giving in payment”] Civil law. 1. An exchange of something instead of money to satisfy a debt. See ACCORD AND SATISFACTION. [Cases: Accord and Satisfaction 13. C.J.S. Accord and Satisfaction §§ 25–27, 29.] 2. Louisiana law. A contract in which the obligor

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dueling, n. The common-law offense of fighting at an appointed time and place after an earlier disagreement. • If one of the participants is killed, the other is guilty of murder, and all who are present, abetting the crime, are guilty as principals in the second degree. [Cases: Criminal Law 45.30. C.J.S. Dueling §§ 2–3.]

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bidding up

bidding up. The act or practice of raising the price for an auction item by making a series of progressively higher bids. • Bidding up is unlawful if the bids are made collusively by persons with an interest in raising the bids. Cf. BY-BIDDING; SHILLING(1). [Cases: Auctions and Auctioneers 7. C.J.S. Auctions and Auctioneers §§

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International Labour Organization/I.L.O.

International Labour Organization/I.L.O. 国际劳工组织1919年根据《凡尔赛和约》〔Treaty of Versailles〕设立,与国际联盟密切相关。1946年成为联合国的第一个专门机构。其宗旨是促进社会正义事业,其基本职能是通过制定国际劳工法典〔international code of labour law〕及实践来提高劳工待遇。这些宗旨和职能由国际劳工大会以公约和建议的形式固定下来。公约是法律文件,并被作为各国劳工立法的样板。建议则是用以作为各国政府处理劳工问题的指导。国际劳工组织的最高机构是国际劳工大会〔International Labour Conference〕。该大会每年在日内瓦召开一次,并选举作为其执行机构的理事会。

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xyy chromosome defense

XYY-chromosome defense. Criminal law. A defense, usu. asserted as the basis for an insanity plea, whereby a male defendant argues that his criminal behavior is due to the genetic abnormality of having an extra Y chro-mosome, which causes him to have uncontrollable aggressive impulses. • Most courts have rejected this defense because its scientific foundations

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colegatee (koh-le-g[schwa]-tee). A joint legatee; one of two or more persons who receive a legacy under a will. Cf. LEGATEE. [Cases: Wills 708–872. C.J.S. Wills §§ 88–92, 96, 99–101, 451–452, 1613–1620, 1622–1808, 1822–2025.]

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quantum valebant

quantum valebant (kwon-t[schwa]m v[schwa]-lee-bant or -b[schwa]nt). [Latin “as much as they were worth”] 1. The reasonable value of goods and materials. 2. At common law, a count in an assumpsit action to recover payment for goods sold and delivered to another. • Quantum valebant — although less common than quantum meruit — is still used

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favor negotii

favor negotii (fay-v[schwa]r ni-goh-shee-I). [Latin “(in) favor of business”] The principle that favors upholding a contract against a construction that would render the contract illegal or unenforceable. [Cases: Contracts 153. C.J.S. Contracts §§ 330, 332.]

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