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cestui que trust

cestui que trust (set-ee [orses-twee] kee [or k[schwa]] tr[schwa]st). [Law French] Archaic. One who possesses equitable rights in property, usu. receiving the rents, issues, and profits from it; BENEFICIARY. — Also termed fide-commissary; fidei-commissarius. Pl. cestuis que trust or (erroneously) cestuis que trustent.[Cases: Trusts 139. C.J.S. Trover and Conversion § 251.] “[A]n alternative name for

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y2k warranty

Y2K warranty.abbr. Year 2000 warranty; a warranty that software, hardware, or a product having computer hardware or software components will function properly on and after January 1, 2000. • These warranties were common in the late 1990s. [Cases: Sales 284(1). C.J.S. Sales §§ 251, 253, 257.]

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fair warning

fair warning. Criminal law. The requirement that a criminal statute define an offense with enough precision so that a reasonable person can know what conduct is prohibited and so that a reasonably skilled lawyer can predict what conduct falls within the statute’s scope. — Also termed fair notice. [Cases: Criminal Law 13.1(1). C.J.S. Criminal Law

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Convention Parliament

Convention Parliament 〈英〉非常国会 指起初非由国王召集,后演变为议会的议会。有两届非常国会,一是1660年为恢复查理二世〔Charles Ⅱ〕王位而召开,一是1689年因罢黜詹姆士二世〔James Ⅱ〕后,为将王位授予奥兰治〔Orange〕的威廉亲王〔Prince William〕和玛丽公主〔Princess Mary〕而召开。苏格兰的1689年非常国会宣布詹姆士七世和二世丧失苏格兰王位,并将王位授予威廉和玛丽。

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