Search Results for: GREE


dianoetic (dI-[schwa]-noh-et-ik), n. [Greek dianoetikos, fr. dia- “through” + noein “to revolve in the mind”] Archaic. A form of logical reasoning that proceeds from one subject to another. — Also termed (erroneously) dianatic.

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grade, n. Criminal law. An incremental step in the scale of punishments for offenses, based on a particular of-fense’s seriousness (several grades of murder). See DEGREE(2).

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eirenarcha (I-r[schwa]-nahr-k[schwa]), n. [from Greek eirene “peace” + archein “to rule”] Roman law. A provincial justice of the peace; a person charged with maintaining order. — Also spelled (in Latin) irenarcha.

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acceleration clause

acceleration clause. A loan-agreement provision that requires the debtor to pay off the balance sooner than the due date if some specified event occurs, such as failure to pay an installment or to maintain insurance. Cf. DE-MAND CLAUSE; INSECURITY CLAUSE. [Cases: Bills and Notes 129(2). C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit §§ 76, 92–100.]

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liability insurance

An agreement to cover a loss resulting from the insured’s liability to a third party, such as a loss incurred by a driver who injures a pedestrian. • The insured’s claim under the policy arises once the insured’s liability to a third party has been asserted. — Also termed third-party insurance; public-liability insurance. [Cases: Insurance

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deliberative assembly

Parliamentary law. A body that transacts business according to parliamentary law. • A deliberative assembly typically has several distinctive characteristics: (1) it is a group of people who meet all together to propose, discuss, and possibly vote on courses of action to be undertaken in the group’s name; (2) participants are free to use their

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