acceleration clause

acceleration clause 提前到期条款;加速到期条款 指如果约定的特定事件发生,例如未能支付分期付款的款额或未能及时缴付保费,则可以要求债务人在约定的到期日之前付清全部余额。该条款一般出现在贷款协议、抵押合同、本票、债券或信托契据中。另据美国《统一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕,如果所约定的提前到期是「任意的」,则须在根据「诚实信用」原则而相信将来偿付可能会受到损害时,才可以请求提前履行。

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acceleration clause

acceleration clause. A loan-agreement provision that requires the debtor to pay off the balance sooner than the due date if some specified event occurs, such as failure to pay an installment or to maintain insurance. Cf. DE-MAND CLAUSE; INSECURITY CLAUSE. [Cases: Bills and Notes 129(2). C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit §§ 76, 92–100.]

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加速到期条款,提前偿付条款 英语:acceleration clause 法语:clause de déchéance du terme 德语:Fälligkeitsklausel, Klausel über Vorverlegung der Fälligkeit 意大利语:clausola di accelerazione (decadenza dal beneficio del termine) 西班牙语:cláusula de aceleración

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