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enact, vb. 1. To make into law by authoritative act; to pass (the statute was enacted shortly before the announced deadline). 2. (Of a statute) to provide (the statute of frauds enacts that no action may be brought on certain types of contracts unless the plaintiff has a signed writing to prove the agreement). —

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concordat (kon- or k[schwa]n-kor-dat). 1. An agreement between a government and a church, esp. the Roman Catholic Church. [Cases: Religious Societies 29. C.J.S. Religious Societies §§ 36–37.] “The qualification of a treaty as a concordat depends only upon its object and purpose, not upon the name or outward form chosen by the parties. Although the

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boundary. 1. A natural or artificial separation that delineates the confines of real property (the creek serves as a boundary between the two properties). See METES AND BOUNDS. [Cases: Boundaries 1–25. C.J.S. Boundaries §§ 2–63.] “The object of all rules for the establishment of boundaries is to ascertain the actual location of the boundary as

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affidavit of good faith

affidavit of good faith 〈美〉善意宣誓书 1某些司法区的制定法要求上诉人提交的宣誓书,以说明其提起上诉并非旨在拖延诉讼。在有些司法区,善意宣誓书也适用于对治安法官〔justice of the peace〕的判决提出的上诉;2某些司法区的制定法规定,作为提出和登记〔filing and recording〕动产抵押的前提条件,要求抵押人或其代理人或律师提交宣誓书,说明其提供抵押是诚实的,没有欺诈、阻碍或拖延债权人的意图。根据《统一担保法典》〔Uniform Security Code〕,对担保协议〔security agreement〕和财务状况陈述〔financing statement〕则都不需要提交宣誓书。

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