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blackmail, n. 1. A threatening demand made without justification; EXTORTION. Cf. FEEMAIL; GRAYMAIL; GREENMAIL(1), (2). [Cases: Extortion and Threats 25. 1. C.J.S. Threats and Unlawful Communications §§ 2–20.] — blackmail, vb. “[Blackmail is] a certain rate of Money, Corn, Cattle, or other consideration, paid to some inhabiting upon, or near the borders, being persons of

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numbers game

numbers game. A type of lottery in which a person bets that on a given day a certain series of numbers will appear from some arbitrarily chosen source, such as stock-market indexes or the U.S. Treasury balance. • The game creates a fund from which the winner’s share is drawn and is subject to regulation

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public policy

public policy. 1. Broadly, principles and standards regarded by the legislature or by the courts as being of fundamental concern to the state and the whole of society. • Courts sometimes use the term to justify their decisions, as when declaring a contract void because it is “contrary to public policy.” — Also termed policy

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calandra rule

Calandra rule (k[schwa]-lan-dr[schwa]). The doctrine that a grand-jury witness may be compelled to answer questions about certain items, even though the items were obtained by the police illegally. United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338, 94 S.Ct. 613 (1974). [Cases: Grand Jury 36.]

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diplomatics. The science of deciphering and authenticating ancient writings. • The principles were largely developed by the Benedictine Dom Mabillon in his 1681 work entitled De re diplomatica. — Also termed diplomatic (n.). “Diplomatics, the science derived from the study of ancient diplomas, so called from being written on two leaves, or on double tablets.

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election fraud

election fraud. Illegal conduct committed in an election, usu. in the form of fraudulent voting. • Examples include voting twice, voting under another person’s name (usu. a deceased person), and voting while ineligible. [Cases: Elections 318. C.J.S. Elections § 331.]

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barrister n. 〈英〉出庭律师 15世纪以来英格兰和威尔士以及以英格兰的法律制度为模式的国家中的一种执业律师,指已被授予出庭律师资格并被准许在高级法院〔superior courts〕执业和在诉讼中代表当事人出庭者。出庭律师集体称为the Bar,其管理组织是出庭律师理事会〔Bar Council〕。出庭律师的主要工作是出庭辩护或代理〔advocacy〕,所以他们的很多时间是花在法庭上或为出庭而作准备上。在1990年《法院和法律服务法》〔Courts and Legal Service Act〕施行以前,出庭律师享有在高级法院的独占性的出庭权;在初级法院,出庭律师和事务律师共同享有出庭权。但依照1990年法律,事务律师在完成所必需的培训后,也可取得在高级法院出庭的权利。除出庭办案外,出庭律师也做一些文书性工作〔paper work〕,包括起草法律文件、就法律问题提供书面意见等。出庭律师通常不能直接为当事人所聘请,如果需要,通常是由当事人的事务律师代表当事人聘请出庭律师。出庭律师只能单独执业,不能与其他出庭律师合伙,但他们可以共同租用办公场地(称为chambers),分摊费用。出庭律师办公室〔chambers〕的所有出庭律师也可以共用一名行政管理人员〔clerk〕,由其为他们安排与当事人和事务律师的会见、就出庭律师的收费进行磋商等。大约70%的执业出庭律师的办公室设在伦敦,其余的则设在其他大城市。和事务律师一样,并非所有的出庭律师都做执业律师,有些出庭律师受雇于法律中心〔law centres〕和其他咨询机构、政府部门或私人企业,有些则从教。有些出庭律师是在执业一段时间之后去做这些工作,而有些则从未做过执业律师。在英格兰和威尔士,授予出庭律师资格的权力专属于伦敦的四大出庭律师公会〔Inns of Court〕。现在要取得出庭律师资格须满足以下条件:首先所有欲申请成为出庭律师者须具有(至少是)B+的大学学位〔upper Second class degree〕。而获得非法律专业学位者则须先完成为期1年的课程以通过普通职业人员考试〔Common Professional Examination〕(与非法律专业毕业生欲成为事务律师时要求的课程一样);然后每人必须加入任一出庭律师公会,在那里完成为期1年的出庭律师职业训练课程〔Bar Vocational Course〕(在1996年以前,该课程只有四大出庭律师公会的法学院〔Inns of Court School of Law〕提供,现在则可在全国七个不同的机构参加该课程),内容包括口头训练〔oral exercises〕、会谈与谈判技能指导〔tuition in interviewing skills and negotiating skills〕。在以前,要求在出庭律师公会学习的学生须在其所属公会就餐满24次,其理论依据是学生与其长者一起就餐可从他们的智慧与经验中获益。这是一项古老的惯例,但日益受到批评,所以后来被减为18次。1997年出庭律师理事会又将其减至12次,且要求安排就餐应与研讨会〔seminars〕、报告〔lectures〕或周末培训〔training weekerds〕相联系,以使其能够真正提供教育之功能;其后,学生被授予出庭律师资格〔be called to the Bar〕。但接着则必须到一执业出庭律师办公室〔chambers〕进行为期1年的实习。自1992年起还要求实习出庭律师在结束实习前参加一项更为深入的法庭实务课程〔a further advocacy course〕,实习结束后,新取得执业资格的出庭律师必须为自己在一家办公室中找到固定位置〔permanent place〕,称为tenancy。出庭律师在执业10年后,可以申请成为皇家大律师〔Queen’s Counsel〕,这通常意味着他们可以承办报酬更高的案件和少做一些预备性的文书工作。在被获准授予该头衔之前一般可以申请几次。但并非所有的出庭律师都申请或能够成为皇家大律师,未成为皇家大律师者被称为初级出庭律师〔juniors〕,他们可以在一些重大案件中协助皇家大律师工作。在英格兰,出庭律师的执业行为受英格兰和威尔士出庭律师总理事会〔General Council of the Bar of England and Wales〕的管理,对有不当行为的出庭律师可予审查、暂停执业直至取消执业资格。英格兰和威尔士所有高级法官职位和大多数初级法官职位以及某些其他职位通常都是由出庭律师来担任,但由于1990年《法院和法律服务法》对律师出庭权〔right of audience〕和选任法官条件的修改,事务律师和出庭律师同样有机会取得高级法官职位。(→solicitor)

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