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sweinmote (swayn-moht). Hist. A forest court held three times a year, before verderors as judges and freeholders of the forest as jurors, to try forest offenses. — Also spelled swainmote; swanimote; swainemote; swaingemote. “The court of sweinmote is to be holden before the verderors, as judges, by the steward of the sweinmote thrice in every […]

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(1) Virginia Declaration of Rights (1)

(1) Virginia Declaration of Rights (1) 〈美〉《弗吉尼亚权利宣言》 1776年6月12日由弗吉尼亚殖民地立宪会议〔constitutional convention〕通过的权利宣言。它是15年后美国宪法的《权利法案》〔Bill of Rights〕的雏型。(注:原版有VIRGINIA DECLARATION OF RIGHTS原文,此略去。)

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degree of negligence

degree of negligence. One of the varying levels of negligence typically designated as slight negligence, ordinary negligence, and gross negligence. See NEGLIGENCE. [Cases: Negligence 272–276. C.J.S. Negligence §§ 88–113.] “Although the common law concept of degrees of negligence has been criticized or repudiated in many jurisdictions, the usefulness of the view at common law that

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disorderly house

disorderly house. 1. A dwelling where people carry on activities that are a nuisance to the neighborhood. [Cases: Disorderly House 1. C.J.S. Disorderly Houses § 2.] 2. A dwelling where people conduct criminal or immoral activities. • Examples are brothels and drug houses. — Also termed (more narrowly) bawdy house; house of prostitution; house of

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de mercatoribus

de mercatoribus (dee m[schwa]r-k[schwa]-tor-[schwa]-b[schwa]s), n. [Latin “of merchants”] Hist. The title of two statutes enacted in the 11th and 13th years of the reign of Edward I, providing that the land of a business debtor could be held by a creditor as security until the debt was paid. “But by the statute de mercatoribus… the

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petition n. (1)申诉;申请 向法院或其他官方机构提交的正式书面文件,请求其行使职权以纠正不法行为或授予某种特权或许可或就特定事项采取司法措施等。如美国宪法第一条修正案和英国的《权利法案》〔Bill of Rights〕都确认公民有申诉的权利;债权人或债务人向破产法院提出的破产申请等。在英国,离婚或宣告婚姻无效的程序、破产程序、在上议院和枢密院进行的程序都是以申请开始的。此外,诉讼开始申请〔originating petition〕也是在高等法院衡平分庭提起诉讼的方式之一。 (2)〈美〉起诉状在部分州使用,相当于complaint。

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