Search Results for: FIRMA

fee farm

fee farm. Hist. A species of tenure in which land is held in perpetuity at a yearly rent (fee-farm rent), without fealty, homage, or other services than those in the feoffment. — Also termed feodi firma; firma feodi. See EMPHYTEUSIS. “Now to all appearance the term socage, a term not found in Normandy, has been

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bolger test

Bolger test. The judicial test for determining whether a statement is commercial speech, by examining (1) whether it is an advertisement; (2) whether it refers to a specific product or service; and (3) whether the speaker has an economic motivation for making the statement. Bolger v. Youngs Drug Prods. Corp., 463 U.S. 60, 66–67, 103

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recoupment (ri-koop-m[schwa]nt), n. 1. The recovery or regaining of something, esp. expenses. 2. The withholding, for equitable reasons, of all or part of something that is due. See EQUITABLE RECOUPMENT(1), (2). 3. Reduction of a plaintiff’s damages because of a demand by the defendant arising out of the same transaction. See EQUITABLE RECOUPMENT(3). Cf. SETOFF(2).

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affirm, vb. 1. To confirm (a judgment) on appeal. • Sometimes the verb is used without a direct object (we affirm). The equivalent expression in British English is to deny the appeal. [Cases: Appeal and Error 1124–1145. C.J.S. Appeal and Error §§ 714, 745, 770, 814, 826, 864–868, 878–898.] 2. To solemnly declare rather than

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negative averment

An averment that is negative in form but affirmative in substance and that must be proved by the alleging party. • An example is the statement “she was not old enough to enter into the contract,” which is more than just a simple denial. Cf. TRAVERSE. [Cases: Pleading 78, 119–123. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 160–161, 186–187,

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active trust

A trust in which the trustee has some affirmative duty of management or administration besides the obligation to transfer the property to the beneficiary. — Also termed express active trust; special trust; operative trust. Cf. passive trust. [Cases: Trusts 135. C.J.S. Trover and Conversion §§ 13, 242.]

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ratification n. 批准;追认;认可 国际法上所称批准,指缔约方同意受条约的约束而对条约或协定的确认。双边条约互换批准书,多边条约则将批准书交联合国秘书长或某一指定政府的档案馆保存。除另有约定外,多边条约自全体或一定数量的签署国递交批准书之日起生效。国内法上,指对以前自己或他人作出的行为的追认。这种追认与事先授权相同,其效力追溯到作出行为的时候,但涉及第三人权益的除外。对未经授权的代理人以本人名义作出的行为或订立的合同,本人在知晓全部主要事实后可予以追认。(→estoppel; acknowledgment; approval; confirmation)

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nisi 〈拉〉除非 该词常作为省略用语附加于rule, order, decree, judgment或confirmation等词之前或之后表示所作裁决是有效的,除非受该裁决影响的一方出庭并提出异议或采取某种步骤使其无效或使其被撤销。因此decree nisi或nisi decree就是明确地确定被告权利的判决,除非被告在规定期限内提出理由以推翻该判决或有效地提出上诉或以其他方式使该判决失效。在这个意义上,nisi是absolute(绝对的,不附任何条件的)的反义词。当一个rule nisi(有条件的裁定)因被告未能按规定提出异议而被最后确认时,它就成为「绝对的」或「终局的」〔absolute〕裁定。

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