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discretionary (di-skresh-[schwa]-ner-ee), adj. (Of an act or duty) involving an exercise of judgment and choice, not an implementation of a hard-and-fast rule. • Such an act by a court may be overturned only after a showing of abuse of discretion.

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earnings per share

earnings per share. Corporations. A measure of corporate value by which the corporation’s net income is divided by the number of outstanding shares of common stock. • Investors benefit from calculating a corporation’s earnings per share, because it helps the investor determine the fair market value of the corporation’s stock. — Abbr. EPS. fully diluted

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Law French

Law French 法律法语 指自12世纪60年代到爱德华三世〔Edward Ⅲ,1327-1377〕统治时期用于法律文书和诉讼程序中的盎格鲁-诺曼语〔Anglo-Norman〕。这种法语直到18世纪早期还在法律文书中被经常使用。根据议会立法,于1733年最终废止。当最初引入英格兰时,这一类法语是在诺曼底〔Normandy〕使用的标准语言。到了14世纪,经过一种语言的隔离,它又变成了一种充斥着讹误的语言,当然这是以纯正的法语为比较对像而言的。在判例汇编中运用法律法语的现象一直持续到了17世纪末,晚至18世纪早期甚至还有人为法律法语而辩护。这些人认为:「实际上法律很难用英语来确切地表达。」尽管法律法语对讲英语的律师来说可能有一些艰深晦涩,但它确实在法律语言中留下了许多专业用语,如appeal, attainder, assault, arrest, counsel, defer, escheat, heir, indictment, joinder, laches, mortgage, nuisance, ouster, process, reverter, suit, tort, verdict等。法律法语通常是一门高度专门性的术语,并保留了许多古老的盎格鲁-诺曼语的特点,但最终仍被英语的语言形式、曲折变化、词序、词的配列等替代。因此,尽管英语中保留了许多法律法语的词汇,今天的英美法律师已不再试图以法律法语来交流了。

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fair, adj. 1. Impartial; just; equitable; disinterested (everyone thought that Judge Jones was fair). 2. Free of bias or prejudice (in jury selection, the lawyers tried to select a fair and impartial jury). fair, n. Hist. A privileged market for the buying and selling of goods. • A fair was an incorporeal hereditament granted to

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第三方受益人(合同) 英语:third-party beneficiary (contract) 法语:tiers bénéficiaire 德语:Drittbegünstigter (eines Vertrages) 意大利语:contratto in favore di un terzo 西班牙语:contrato para el beneficio del tercero-beneficiario

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bolger test

Bolger test. The judicial test for determining whether a statement is commercial speech, by examining (1) whether it is an advertisement; (2) whether it refers to a specific product or service; and (3) whether the speaker has an economic motivation for making the statement. Bolger v. Youngs Drug Prods. Corp., 463 U.S. 60, 66–67, 103

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Hist. A base tenure requiring the tenant to provide the customary services of the manor, as reflected in the manor’s court rolls. • Copyhold tenure descended from pure villeinage; over time, the customs of the manor, as reflected on the manor’s rolls, dictated what services a lord could demand from a copyholder. This type of

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power of termination

power of termination. A future interest retained by a grantor after conveying a fee simple subject to a condition subsequent, so that the grantee’s estate terminates (upon breach of the condition) only if the grantor exercises the right to retake it. — Also termed right of entry; right of reentry; right of entry for breach

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