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dissent (di-sent), n. 1. A disagreement with a majority opinion, esp. among judges. 2. See dissenting opinion under OPINION(1). 3. A withholding of assent or approval. 4. The act of a surviving spouse who, as statutorily authorized in many states, refuses a devise and elects instead a statutory share. See ELECTIVE SHARE. — dissent (di-sent),

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add on loan

A loan in which the interest is calculated at the stated rate for the loan agreement’s full term for the full principal amount, and then the interest is added to the principal before installment payments are calculated, resulting in an interest amount higher than if it were calculated on the monthly unpaid balance. • Consumer

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finance lease

A fixed-term lease used by a business to finance capital equipment. • The lessor’s service is usu. limited to financing the asset, and the lessee pays maintenance costs and taxes and has the option of purchasing the asset at lease-end for a nominal price. Finance leases strongly resemble security agreements and are written almost exclusively

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dedication, n. Property. The donation of land or creation of an easement for public use. [Cases: Dedication 1–28. C.J.S. Dedication §§ 1–12, 14–30, 56–64.] — dedicate, vb. — dedicatory, adj. common-law dedication. A dedication made without a statute, consisting in the owner’s appropriation of land, or an easement in it, for the benefit or use

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