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instrument n. (1)文契 用以记载某项行为,表明权利、义务等的设定、变更、终止的正式的书面文件,如契约〔contract〕、契据〔deed〕、遗嘱〔will〕、债券〔bond〕、租约〔lease〕等,可为证据。 (2)票据 指流通票据〔negotiable instrument〕、证券〔security〕或其他任何可以证明取得金钱支付权利的书面文据。本身并非担保协议〔security agreement〕或租约〔lease〕,而且是于正常业务活动中以必要的背书或让与程序交付转移的。

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apographa ([schwa]-pog-r[schwa]-f[schwa]), n. pl.[fr. Greek apographein “to copy”] 1. Civil law. An examination and enumeration of things possessed; an inventory. 2. Copies; transcripts. — apographal, adj.

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attorn ([schwa]-t[schwa]rn), vb. 1. To agree to be the tenant of a new landlord. [Cases: Landlord and Tenant 15. C.J.S. Landlord and Tenant §§ 21–22, 277, 279.] 2. To transfer (money, goods, etc.) to another.

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