Search Results for: RULE, THE

extrinsic evidence

extrinsic evidence 旁证 指并非包含于协议、契约等文件中的、而是从其他来源所得的证据,如当事人的陈述、订约时的情况等。旁证在一定情况下可被用来证明有关的书面文件。旁证也指未以合法方式在作出裁决的审判庭上提出的证据 。(→parol evidence rule)

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irresistible impulse

irresistible impulse 不可抗拒的冲动 在美国,用于以精神错乱为由的辩护中,指由于精神疾病已破坏了自由意志、自我控制力和行为选择力而造成的不能抗拒或不能抑制的从事非法或犯罪行为的冲动。在用于判断精神错乱时,不可抗拒的冲动标准比姆纳顿标准〔M’Naghten test〕要宽泛。依据前者,若能证明行为人不能抑制其行为,他可以免予承担刑事责任,即使他能辨认正确与错误并能完全认识行为的性质。现在在少数采用此标准的司法区已将其与姆纳顿规则〔M’Naghten rules〕合并。在英国法中,如果行为人在不可抗拒的冲动下实施的行为属犯罪行为,例如杀人,行为人不得以精神失常为由免除法律责任,甚至该情形也不被视为是精神失常;因为要辨别精神疾病造成的不可抗拒的冲动和由于嫉妒、憎恨或复仇心理造成的不可抗拒的冲动是不可能的。

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stranding, n. Maritime law. A ship’s drifting, driving, or running aground on a strand. • The type of stranding that occurs determines the method of apportioning the liability for any resulting losses. [Cases: Salvage 9, 30. C.J.S. Salvage §§ 12, 81.] accidental stranding. Stranding as a result of natural forces, such as wind and waves.

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protestation (prot-[schwa]-stay-sh[schwa]n). 1. Common-law pleading. A declaration by which a party makes an oblique allegation or denial of some fact, claiming that it does or does not exist or is or is not legally sufficient, while not directly affirming or denying the fact. [Cases: Pleading 128.] “The practice of protestation of facts not denied arose

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communitization (k[schwa]-myoo-n[schwa]-t[schwa]-zay-sh[schwa]n), n. Oil & gas. The ag-gregating of small tracts sufficient for the granting of a well permit under applicable well-spacing rules; POOLING. Cf. UNITIZATION. [Cases: Mines and Minerals 92.78. C.J.S. Mines and Minerals §§ 349, 357–359, 361, 384–386.] — communitize (k[schwa]-myoo-n[schwa]-tIz), vb.

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suspend, vb. 1. To interrupt; postpone; defer (the fire alarm suspended the prosecutor’s opening statement). 2. To temporarily keep (a person) from performing a function, occupying an office, holding a job, or exercising a right or privilege (the attorney’s law license was suspended for violating the Model Rules of Professional Conduct). [Cases: Licenses 38; Officers

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verbal act doctrine

verbal-act doctrine. The rule that utterances accompanying conduct that might have legal effect are admissible when the conduct is material to the issue and is equivocal in nature, and when the words help give the conduct its legal significance. [Cases: Evidence 267. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 259, 285, 311–313, 326, 333–336, 343.]

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unavailability, n. The status or condition of not being available, as when a witness is exempted by court order from testifying. • Unavailability is recognized under the Federal Rules of Evidence as an exclusion to the hearsay rule. Fed. R. Evid. 804. [Cases: Criminal Law 419(5); Evidence 317(17). C.J.S. Criminal Law § 860; Evidence §§

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