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presence, n. 1. The state or fact of being in a particular place and time (his presence at the scene saved two lives). 2. Close physical proximity coupled with awareness (the agent was in the presence of the principal). constructive presence. 1. Criminal law. Legal imputation of having been at a crime scene, based on […]

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authority n. (1)权力;职权;管辖权 因其所处地位或所拥有的职位而享有的,尤指可对他人行使的权力,如总统的权力〔authority of the president〕。 (2)权限;授权 由法律、公司或团体章程、法庭裁判等正式授予的可实施某行为的权力,如警察依逮捕证执行逮捕时的权限。 (3)代理权;授权;许可 指某人授予另一人从事某种行为的权限或权力。被授权者称为代理人〔agent〕,授权者称为本人或被代理人〔principal〕。 (4)法律根据;先例;判决;权威着作 指在法庭辩论中,或者法庭或文章作者为支持其对某一法律问题的意见或观点而引用的作为其法律主张根据的宪法、制定法、先例、司法判决、法律规则〔rules〕、行政法规〔regulations〕、着作、论文等。通常,制定法、法院判决、行政法规等为主要权威,法律重述〔Restatements〕、专着〔treatises〕等为次要权威。 (5)机构;当局 被赋予一定的权力和义务、履行一定职能的单位或团体。如地方机构〔local authority〕。

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adjournment ([schwa]-j[schwa]rn-m[schwa]nt), n. 1. The act of adjourning; specif., a putting off of a court session or other meeting or assembly until a later time. See ADJOURN. adjournment sine die ([schwa]-j[schwa]rn-m[schwa]nt sI-nee [or sin-ay] dI-ee). The ending of a deliberative assembly’s or court’s session without setting a time to reconvene. — Also termed adjournment without

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hearsay exception

hearsay exception. Any of several deviations from the hearsay rule, allowing the admission of otherwise inadmissible statements because the circumstances surrounding the statements provide a basis for considering the statements reliable. tender-years hearsay exception. A hearsay exception for an out-of-court statement by a child ten years of age or younger, usu. describing an act of

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integration n. (1)结合;综合;整合 使组合为一个整体的过程。 (2)种族融合;取消种族隔离 主要用于美国,指为消除历史上的种族隔离〔racial discrimination〕影响而使不同种族相互存在于同一机构,诸如公安学校。 (3)(合同法)合同的完整文本;合同的完整性 指对当事人合意的充分表述,从而优先于当事人在此前达成的合意。其法律效果在于,任何一方当事人在此后不得与此合同条款相冲突或有所增益,亦作「merger」。 (4)合并 在反托拉斯法中,指某一公司通过进入其自行开拓的市场,或者通过收购其他在次级市场中从事经营的公司,或者通过与其他在次级市场中从事经营的其他公司签订合同等方式而达到在公开市场上进行操纵之目的。亦作垂直合并〔vertical integration〕。 (5)(证券法)证券合并 指在某一时期内把所有证券的发行视为一次发行而所需的条件,意在避免登记。在美国,证券交易委员会与法院在决定多次证券交易是否属于证券的同一次发行时确立了五项标准:1是否属于同一项融资计划;2是否涉及相同种类证券的发行;3是否在(大约)相同时期作出发行;4是否收到相同种类的对价;5是否为相同的总的目的而作出发行。 (→parol evidence rule; merger)

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deprizio doctrine

Deprizio doctrine. Bankruptcy. The rule that a debtor’s payment to an outside creditor more than 90 days before a bankruptcy filing is voidable as a preferential transfer if it benefits an inside creditor. Levit v. Ingersoll Rand Fin. Corp. (In re V.N. Deprizio Constr. Co.), 874 F.2d 1186 (7th Cir. 1989). [Cases: Bankruptcy 2608(2). C.J.S.

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