Search Results for: RULE, THE

noscitur a sociis

noscitur a sociis (nos-[schwa]-t[schwa]r ay [or ah] soh-shee-is). [Latin “it is known by its associates”] A canon of construction holding that the meaning of an unclear word or phrase should be determined by the words immediately surrounding it. Cf. EJUSDEM GENERIS; EXPRESSIO UNIUS EST EXCLUSIO ALTERIUS ; RULE OF RANK. [Cases: Statutes 193. C.J.S. Statutes […]

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coram vobis

coram vobis 〈拉〉他法院纠错令状 该词本义为「在你们面前」。在英格兰古法中,指由王座法庭以外的其他法庭(尤其指民事诉法庭)纠正其判决中的错误的令状。也指上诉审法院要求初审法院纠正其判决存在的事实上的错误的令状,与本法院纠错令状〔coram nobis〕相对。也称「writ of error coram vobis」或「writ of coram vobis」。美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕已废除此令状。

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Mirandize (m[schwa]-ran-dIz), vb. Slang. To read (an arrestee) rights under the Miranda rule (the suspect was arrested, Mirandized, and interrogated). See MIRANDA RULE. [Cases: Criminal Law 412.2(3), 517.2(3), 518. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 918–922.]

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law in books

law in books. The legal rules to be found in texts; esp., sterile, oft-repeated rules that seem to depart from the way in which the law actually operates in the day-to-day workings of the legal system. — Sometimes written law-in-books. Cf. LAW IN ACTION.

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point, n. 1. A pertinent and distinct legal proposition, issue, or argument ( point of error). 2. Parliamentary law. Any of several kinds of requests made in a deliberative body. See REQUEST. point of clarification. A question about procedure or substance. point of information. An inquiry asking a question about a motion’s merits or effect.

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generally accepted accounting principles

generally accepted accounting principles. The conventions, rules, and procedures that define approved ac-counting practices at a particular time. • These principles are issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board for use by accountants in preparing financial statements. The principles include not only broad guidelines of general application but also detailed practices and procedures. — Abbr.

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