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Embargo Act

Embargo Act 〈美〉《禁运法》 11807年美国国会应杰斐逊总统的要求而通过的一项法律,宣布封闭所有美国港口,禁止港内的美国和外国船只出港,并禁止从英国进口货物。宣布该法的目的旨在对付英、法对运送或被怀疑为从事拿破仑战争的国家运送战争物资的美国商船的侵扰,但并未完全取得预期效果。1809年的《断绝贸易法》〔Non-Intercourse Act〕对它作了修改,允许与英、法之外的国家进行贸易;21807年杰斐逊总统公布的又一项联邦法律,禁止此后再作为合法进口〔legal importation〕将奴隶送入美国。

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querela inofficiosi testamenti

querela inofficiosi testamenti (kw[schwa]-ree-l[schwa] in-[schwa]-fish-ee-oh-sI tes-t[schwa]-men-tI). [Latin “complaint of an undutiful will”] Roman law. An action allowing a descendant, ascendant, or sibling who was unjustly disinherited or passed over by a parent’s will to have the will set aside as undutifully made. “By far the most important is due to the querela inofficiosi testamenti. By

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feudalism (fyood-[schwa]l-iz-[schwa]m). 1. A landholding system, particularly applying to medieval Europe, in which all are bound by their status in a hierarchy of reciprocal obligations of service and defense. • The lord was obligated to give the vassal (1) some land, (2) protection, and (3) justice. The lord guaranteed the quiet occupation of the land

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free trade

free trade, n. The open and unrestricted import and export of goods without barriers, such as quotas or tariffs, other than those charged only as a revenue source, as opposed to those designed to protect domestic businesses. Cf. protective tariff under TARIFF(2).

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valuable papers

valuable papers. Documents that, upon a person’s death, are important in carrying out the decedent’s wishes and in managing the estate’s affairs. • Examples include a will, title documents, stock certificates, powers of attorney, letters to be opened on one’s death, and the like. Some statutes require that, to be effective, a holographic will devising

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strict scrutiny test

strict scrutiny test 〈美〉严格审查(标准) 指法院在审查可疑分类〔suspect classifications〕如种族等是否违反平等法律保护条款〔Equal Protection Clause〕,以及在正当法律程序分析中对政府行为是否侵犯诸如投票权等公民基本权利时,用以评价政府行为合宪性的标准。「strict scrutiny」一词由美国最高法院大法官威廉·O.道格拉斯〔William O.Douglas〕于1942年在一起案件中首次使用。尽管先前对该标准多有歧见,但近年来美国最高法院对其表达渐趋一致。该标准要求被诉政府行为必须为实现「紧迫性」〔compelling〕政府利益所必需〔necessary〕,因而它是美国法院已阐明的三层次审查标准中最严厉的一项审查标准。一般性(最低)审查〔ordinary (minimum) scrutiny〕适用于政府对人们及其活动的大多数分类基础,例如,财产(或无财产)等经济和社会因素。该标准仅要求政府能证明此项分类计划与「合法」〔legitimate〕政府利益之间有「合理」〔reasonable〕关联。中度审查〔intermediate level scrutiny〕适用于以性别和无合法身份〔illegitimacy〕为基础的分类,它要求政府行为必须与「重要」〔important〕政府利益之间有实质性〔substantial〕关联。与法院假定立法或被诉政府行为合宪、原告负有证明其违宪责任的一般性审查相比,严格审查假定立法或被诉政府行为是违宪的,政府负有证明其具有紧迫性利益的责任。法院在确定被诉立法或政府行为的有效性时,必须集中在政府目的之上,而不仅仅是政府行为后果上。

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N.B.abbr.[Latin nota bene] Note well; take notice — used in documents to call attention to something important.

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great lakes rule

Great Lakes rule. Maritime law. The statutory provision that an admiralty litigant is entitled to a jury trial in a contract or tort action if the lawsuit arises from the operation of a commercial vessel on the Great Lakes or the navigable waters connecting them. See 28 USCA § 1873. [Cases: Admiralty 80. C.J.S. Admiralty

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